Twenty one

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One week later


1 week. 1 week of beatings and torture.
Where were they? Why was it taking so long? It shouldn't be taking this long, so I knew something was wrong.

I shook in the cell, keeping my hands protectively over my stomach. I had kept him or her safe for, now.

But I was constantly worried lan would find out, so I was sneaky, behaved and hid my stomach.

Adrien trembled as the cell door opened and Ian stepped in. I gripped Adrien's hand, staring at him as he approached us.

"I learned some, interesting news today." lan announced as two of his men came in.

They unchained me from the wall and strung me up from the roof in the center of the room, my wrists above my head, my feet just touching the ground.

"I was told, that you my dear, are pregnant. Now, you're still young, barely an adult. You shouldn't have this burden weighing you down. Plus, who wants the Russian bloodline to continue? I don't. So, in a way, it's two birds one stone." He said and my eyes widened.

I tried to kick him away but he swung at my stomach. I screamed out in pain and agony as he kept hitting my stomach like I was a punching bag.

I sobbed as the blood slid down my legs, dripping onto the floor while I begged them to stop.

Adrien screamed at them in the background, trying to reach me. I could hear anger, fear and agony in her voice as she screamed at him.

"I hope you rot in hell mother fucker!"
She screamed and Ian stopped hitting me.
He looked back at her and she glared at him, breathing heavy.

"Shut your mouth before one of my men shove something into it." He snapped and she remained silent, glaring at him, tears threatning to escape her eyes while I sobbed.

"Take her to the washroom, with the maid."
lan ordered his men and they dropped me from the chains.

I dropped on my knees and held myself. I clutched my bruised stomach and sobbed, shaking.

"God please no. No! No! Please no!" I cried out in agony as lan left the cell. I screamed as I sobbed, blood sliding down and covering the floor.

Adrien gently pulled me up from the ground, and wrapped her arms around me while I cried.

Adrien and I were guided to a washroom.
She shut the door then locked it.

She helped me sit on the toilet and held my hands, silently crying while I sobbed.

"Just let it out. If you have to push, push." She whispered througher tears and I kept crying, gripping her hands and following her instructions.

She helped me into the small dirty shower and I washed as she flushed the bloody toilet.

I stared at the wall and she quickly washed me then herself and we got back into our clothes, mine blood stained.

We were chained back up and I stopped crying, leaning against Adrien and the cold wall. It hurt so much.



The plan was finally made. I was so anxious. I was getting Emma back, my wife and my baby.

We had some problems when the Swedish managed to hack our system and wipe our

Emma's earrings were clearly removed over there so we took awhile to make a new plan and figure out again where they were.

We didn't know if he'd moved Adrien and Emma in that time so I was nervous. I loaded up my guns and before I knew it we tore off in the cars.

We sped down the roads, heading towards the estate where we hoped Emma and Adrien would be.

Within less than an hour, we were at the estate. I glared fiercely at Ian as he walked out, his men following suit.

My men and I got out of the vehicle, pulling out our guns and getting ready for an all out war.

"It took you awhile."
Ian snickered and we all stayed silent.

"Remember the plan."
I hissed and my men nodded. This ended now.

Adrien and I watched the men leave quickly. We glanced at each other hopefully, praying that Nikolai was finally here for us.

It was about less than a half an hour later when we finally heard gun shots. About ten minutes lated it began to get closer, gunshots and voices.

I could barley hear the voices, but each minute and gunshot they became louder until I could make out their words.

I took a deep breath then nearly cried tears of joy when I saw my Nikolai's face.


I exclaimed. He ripped open the cell door and ran to me. Cooper and Ivan ran in behind him and helped Adrien out of her chains.

Nikolai took off my chains and I wrapped my arms around him, sobbing into his chest.

He helped me up and carried me out of the estate bridal style. I clutched his suit tightly crying tears of joy and sorrow.

He carried me outside where lan was, on his knees. One of his legs were bleeding and he had blood and dirt all over his face.

His suit was dirty and he glared at the ground, slightly shaking. His nose was clearly broken and his left eye was already swelling.

Most of his men were dead, so I knew that Nikolai would bring him back to the estate and torture him for awhile.

"Get him in one of the cars."
Nikolai ordered and I kept my arms wrapped around him. Arthur and Ivan kicked Ian to the ground and tied his wrists together.

They did the same to his ankles then threw him into the trunk of the car. Cooper led Adrien to one of the cars and helped her in.
Nikolai and I got into one of the cars and he hugged me tightly, as the car tore away from the estate.

"I'm so sorry we took so long."
He whispered, looking down at me and I remained silent.

I couldn't speak, I just held him close to me, sobbing.

"You're ok. You're safe now."
He whispered stroking my hair and I nodded my head.

I was safe now. I was finally free, Adrien was finally free. We could finally return

I tried to wipe my tears away and Nikolai looked at me. He pressed his lips against my forehead and I closed my eyes.

I knew I had to tell him about earlier, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Not yet.

Maybe once we were home, I'd tell him.
I'd tell him what happened along with the other horrible things Ian did to Adrien and 1.

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