Bonding time with Kat

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Natalie wakes up the next morning alone in bed. She sits up confused before hearing noise downstairs. 

She gets out of the bed, following the noise as she walks into the kitchen to see a pan on the stove with food beside it waiting to be cooked. 

Y/N runs in with his stool putting it by the stove. Natalie walks over, catching him before he can get up on it.

"What are you doing mister?"

"I'm making mommy breakfast!"

She shakes her head.

"You can't use this yet baby. You're too young."

"But mommy's sad."

She looks at her son as he looks up at her with a sad look on his face. 

"What do you mean baby?"

"Mommy gets sad every time daddy goes to work."

Natalie sighs. She had no idea Y/N noticed it but of course he did.

"Mommy is okay baby. You have nothing to worry about."

She kisses his head before sitting him on the counter as he sneezes. She chuckles wiping his nose for him before making them breakfast. 

Once the two of them have finished their breakfast, Natalie follows the excited three year old up the stairs. 

They walk into Y/N's room with Natalie getting his clothes ready as he runs around excitedly. She catches him before changing his clothes as he shivers. 

"Are you cold baby?"

He nods snuggling close to her for warmth as she chuckles. She carries him to her room, leaving on the bed with his toys as she gets dressed. 

She texts Kat that they are on their way to the playground before picking Y/N up and heading downstairs. She packs some snacks and juice into her bag before carrying Y/N out to the car and strapping him in. 

They arrive at the indoor playground, Y/N bouncing excitedly in Natalie's arms as they walk towards the building. 

She pays to get in, making sure to get a private area to sit while Y/N plays. After a few minutes, Kat arrives as Y/N is playing.

"Hey Natalie."

"Hey Kat."

The two of them hug before hearing a knocking sound from above. They look up to see Y/N with his face against a window of a tunnel making them laugh. 

He runs down to them hugging Kat who kisses his head making him blush before running off giggling.

"He adores you."

"I can tell."

The two woman laugh before Y/N runs back over, taking their hands to get them to play with him which they do. 

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