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Three years ago, Natalie Portman and her husband Benjamin Millepied had their son Y/N. They hid the pregnancy from the press and everyone who wasn't family, to keep Y/N out of the limelight. 

Natalie is in the hospital, in a private room as her son is with the doctors after he came out without crying, they rushed him off. 

It has been a few hours since they took him and both sets of grandparents as well as Natalie and Benjamin are worried for the baby. 

The grandparents end up heading home to get some rest and the parents get rest in the room. Natalie wakes the next morning to the door opening.

"Hi, he's okay."

The nurse wheels the baby over to beside the bed.

"Can I hold him?"

"Of course."

The nurse lifts the sleeping baby into his mother's arms, she looks down smiling as she shakes with happy tears. 

"Oh my baby boy."

"We came last night but you were asleep so we let you get some rest." 

She lightly strokes his cheek with her finger.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

The nurse leaves the room as Natalie smiles down at Y/N rocking him slightly. After a few minutes, Ben wakes up.

He sits up and stretches noticing a bundle in his wife's arms, thinking nothing of it. Realisation kicks in and he gets up rushing to his wife's side.

"Is this him?"

Natalie looks up at Ben before looking back down at the sleeping baby.

"Yes, this is Y/N, our baby boy."

Ben smiles down at the baby.

"Do you want to hold him?"

"Of course."

Ben takes the baby from his wife smiling.

"Hey little fella."

Half an hour later, the nurse from earlier walks in smiling at the couple.

"Has he woken up yet?"

"Not yet," Ben replies before handing the baby back to Natalie.

"Should he-"

Natalie cuts herself off as the baby's eyes flutter open revealing brown eyes that match hers. She laughs slightly as does the nurse and Ben.

"Ready to try feed him?"

"Yeah," she replies nervously. 

She pulls the hospital gown down with help from the nurse as Ben leaves to call their parents. She tries a few times but he won't take it.

"Why isn't he taking it?"

"Don't worry, it happens to most women. Try the other one."

She changes the position of the baby so his head is by her right boob, she puts it near his mouth and he latches on sucking.

"Guess he prefers the right."

The two women laugh. Ben walks in wondering why they are laughing.

"What's funny?"

"He wouldn't take the left one, he-"

She feels something cold on her boob looking down, she sees a little hand on it.

"Like his father, he loves boobs."

Ben laughs.

"So proud."

They laugh as Y/N lets go, Natalie pulls the gown back up looking into his eyes as he looks into hers.

"Hi baby."

Y/N coos making her smile. The grandparents walk in and everyone takes turns holding the baby. 

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