Color #5 - Winter Greene

19 4 4

Round 2.2
No word count restriction: 52
Prompt: Write a poem about a superhero or heroine.

- - -

Is my villain.
Nipping chills twine
Terrible sorrow through my soul,
Eating away the
Rich, light foliage.

Green is my hero, a
Rarity amidst bleak bitten earth.
Every poking blade
Emerges fierce, survival embedded close to heart.
Naught a shriveling thought ahead, but left unprepared,
Ebbing my hero to wilted dark.

- - -

Acrostic poetry looked fun. And now I'll attest to that. It definitely is. (I believe I did it right)

Now I can say that I've written poetry two times.

This was kind of perfect for Greene (I'm intentionally spelling it this way), keeping in theme, because I have a character who immediately came to mind upon reading the prompt. The color even fits the character too.

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