Color #3 - Nothing But Orange

47 11 30

Round 1.2 
Word Count: 100 (personally counted it)
Fantasy, humor 
Prompt: Write a drabble including the word "quest"

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A small, orange-clad man with rosy cheeks and an orange beard leaned against a book. I blinked in surprise.

"You're a leprechaun?" I repeated, incredulous.

"Of course! Everyone knows leprechauns are brilliant, love tricks, and kill for waffles."


"Yes, the fluffy food you—"

"I know what waffles are," a pause, "But you're not green?"

"And rainbows exist," he stated, sarcastic, glaring. "Why should leprechauns be green?"

"I—why are you orange?"

"Because I'm a Wobniar leprechaun!" he exclaimed. "Now give me the map!"

"What map?"

"The map to the end of the Wobniar! I'm on a homebound quest!"

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