I think I'm in love again.

Start from the beginning

The girl ducks under his arm as she drops her bag on the floor, reaching her hand up and rubbing her eye, She is so tired.

"Thank you both for an early start today," Miss Jenn stands up. "Let's begin."

The two are standing infront of the desk. The girl furrows her eyebrows. "It's just us?" She signs between her and her boyfriend.

"Mmm-mmm." Miss Jenn hums. "We're diving into page 97."

The two grab the paper that is held out to them. "You mean the last scene?"

Miss Jenn hums once again.

She looks down at the paper. "It's just one line though. Not even a scene."

"Yeah, I've got one too." Ricky gives the girl a look.

"Ricky, I'm tired and moody so don't start with me right now." She glares at him.

He nods his head. "Yup, my bad."

"And then there's the kiss." The blonde woman continues.

Eleanor her eyes widden. The what now? "Uh- there was no- I don't remember a kiss." She stammers. "It wasn't in what we read yesterday."

Ricky gives her a confused look on why it is a problem.

"It was very much there in the original film."

"I only remember a hug." Ricky speaks up.

"The kiss ended up on the cutting room floor. Little racy for its time." Eleanor looks up from the script.

"Ooh too far." Carlos mutters.

"It just doesn't make any sense, Why are we starting at the end?" Eleanor crosses her arms.

Listen, I have no problem kissing Ricky when we're alone. But the pda at school already is a bit too much for what I like, but it is clear that Ricky doesn't mind. But I do." The girl stares at the camera.

"Because if you don't know what Hedda Gabler does in the last scene, How can you play her in the first?" Miss Jenn asks.

"But it is pretty obvious what happens!" The girl exclaims. "A hug! They hug! They don't kiss! And who exactly is Hedda Gabler? What musical is that?"

"One that very few people would pay to see. It's very dark."

"Miss Jenn." She sighs. "Why'd you put the kiss in, because-"

"Sweetie, I added the kiss because our production needs it." Miss Jenn interrupts her. "I also added a cow bell, a power ballad for the drama teacher and a wildcat cheer for the curtain call."

"And that all sounds great, But I'm not kissing him." She states.

"You two are soulmates right?" The blonde woman asks.

The two teens look at each other before Ricky speaks up. "Yeah why?"

"Then you guys have also kissed before right?"

"That doesn't matter. The thing is I'm not comfortable kissing him infront of an audience." Eleanor exclaims.

"Eleanor, trust the process. Your character only has eyes for Troy."

"We're not doing the kiss if she's not comfortable with it." Ricky tells the woman. "The last thing I want to do is make her uncomfortable."

The girl smiles at her boyfriend, happy he is siding with her right now.

Miss Jenn sighs. "We'll talk about this later."

"I don't think there is much more to talk about." Ricky shakes his head. "We're not doing it. Come on." He grabs Eleanor's hand and pulls her with him.

She sighs as they stop in the hallway, he turns around to face her, still holding her hand. "We're not doing it." He repeats. "If you're not comfortable with it we won't do the kiss, okay?"

She nods her head. "Thanks, Rick." She sighs, leaning forward into a quick hug.

He rubs her back and presses a kiss onto her hair. "No problem."


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