Did this look and smell absolutely delicious? Yes.

Was I still hesitant to try it? Also yes.

And I thought the kale situation at Brad's place was horrific.

These two were like two peas in a pod. See, even the reference that fit just had to be fucking healthy.

"You're a piece of work, you know that?" I heard John say to Don, but I didn't hear Don reply. Instead, I gave the first bite of this literal garden of ingredients, a try.

And boy oh boy, did it knock my socks clean off.


"You're a real piece of work, you know that?" I spoke to Don, trying my best to maintain every bit of composure as I could literally see the wheels in Derek's mind turning

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"You're a real piece of work, you know that?" I spoke to Don, trying my best to maintain every bit of composure as I could literally see the wheels in Derek's mind turning.

Fuck, I was sure he heard all that... I just wasn't sure if he comprehended all that.

Derek was... well he was... well... his mind worked in the most... complex way I've seen for some time.

He could tell me the complete history of Hawaii's Great Hot Dog Eating Competition, but other things just sorta slipped through the cracks. Like what a retirement account was, for starters. I kinda liked it, he had selective memory so the things he remembered, he cared to, and I liked hearing about why. What made those things so important to him?

"Oh, I'm a piece of work?" Don shot back, pulling me away from the concentration I was starting to have on Derek, as he took his first bite. "John, I do not have to be the one to say that fucking an employee of Christian fucking Iva..."

Don was continuing his lecture, but the sound Derek made with that first bite drown out whatever scolding I was getting. His lips twisted up into a grin so goddamn big, I knew I was starting to smile like an idiot in response. He made a sweet hum of approval, which brought my focus even more to those lips...

"Are you even fucking listening to me? John? John!"

Don's direct tone forced my eyes back down on my computer screen. Don was sitting at his desk, with a look on his face that said he wanted to jump through this video call and strangle me.

"I- yes, sorry, yes I am." Focus, John... jesus christ.

Derek looked up from his plate at me with that same goofy smile...

"If you don't wipe that insane smile of yours off your goddamn face, I'll smack it off. Then phone HR." I heard through the ear bud.

"If you lay hands on me Don, HR will find my own hostile workplace environment complaint. We don't want Carson seeing that, do we?" I played into his ultimate weakness- that parking spot. "Plus, we're not even from the same companies. The hell would HR do with your complaint? Keep the fireplace going?"

I was trying to keep my responses on this call as vague as possible, because Derek could still hear them, but that last sentence would sound just about batshit crazy to anyone. I took my first bite of my omelette, and nodded to myself approvingly. I did good.

"So you two are dicking each other down then?" My little earpiece spoke to me.

That made the piece of egg I was trying to swallow, lodge into my esophagus, and I started to choke. Derek got up almost immediately, but I waved my hand dismissively, signally for him to sit and eat while I fought for my life over here. Seeing Derek enjoy a meal I cooked, would be a pretty good parting gift before death eventually found me, if I was being honest.

"Don," I croaked out, taking a sip of coffee to help, "I-I'm not, we're not- that's off limits, and besides he's- wasn't this supposed to be a review before the financial review? We've got that next meeting soon, so lets wrap this up."

And thank god Don did. Because judging by Derek's expression with that very last bit, he was starting to piece a few things about my life together.

It wasn't that I was ashamed of my sexuality, quite the opposite, I was just concerned that Derek would take my kindness as something more.

Well... wasn't it something more?

No, I told myself firmly. For the sake of our blossoming friendship, it couldn't be. I was just being kind.

And he was off fucking limits.



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