League of Villains vs. U.A. Students

Start from the beginning

"I understand your sentiment, Yaoyorozu, but overexerting yourself won't help you in this situation," Aizawa stated, while Momo nodded, feeling a bit disheartened by being called out like that.

Noticing this, Nemuri chimed in, "Don't take it the wrong way. Recognizing one's limits is also a crucial aspect of being a hero."

"Back, back! Hurry, back!" Setsuna suddenly yelled in a panicked voice. "He's here! Right in front of me!" she exclaimed, the top half of her head scanning the area.

The students involved in the plan grew tense as Machia closed in, yet none were as tense as Momo herself, who gripped Izuku's hand as tightly as possible.

"He's not stopping at all!" Mt. Lady exclaimed as she continued her efforts to bring down Gigantomachia. "Come on, wake up! Unwrap this so I can stand up again!" she pleaded with the unconscious Kamui Woods atop her head.

"Damn it! I could really use some muscles..." Yu grumbled under her breath, ignoring a teasing smirk from Rumi.

Meanwhile, on the beast's back, Spinner suggests addressing the situation with Mt. Lady, but Mr. Compress responds, saying it's out of their league.

"Damn right, I am..." Yu said, a grin on her face.

Meanwhile, the thought 'This is not what he meant' was on Nemuri's lips, but she chose to remain silent, believing that Yu deserved this much at the very least.

"He's here!" Mineta said as Machia finally comes in range of the students. 

"He's heading in the right direction!/Exactly where we want him!" Setsuna and Jiro exclaimed as Machia took a step and fell right into their mud trap, just as Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods let go.

"He's in the trap!" Momo declared as Machia tumbled to the ground.

"It worked! Let'ssss Go!" Kirishima and Tetsutetsu cheered in unison, their excitement echoed by other members of their group.

"Pull! Pull!" students cheered as Machia started to slowly sink. The students proceeded to employ various whips to grasp his neck, attempting to force his mouth open. Meanwhile, Sero and Ibara utilized their quirks to wrap their Tapes and Vines around Machia's neck, pulling him downward.

"I'm relieved that the plan to subdue Machia is progressing well so far, but there's still one major concern," Ryukyu pointed out.

"The League of Villains..." Momo added while nibbling on her nails, contemplating how their presence might impact whatever she had planned.

As they struggle to hold him down, Mr. Compress recognizes them as U.A. students, which causes Himiko Toga to look around anxiously. 

'What was that about?' Ochako wondered, observing Toga's reaction closely.

Several additional students tried to launch a surprise attack. Aoyama, who was riding on Shoji's shoulder, fired his Navel Lasers at them, but they evaded the attack by seeking refuge behind the spikes on Machia's back. Jiro tried to sneak attack as well but her Earphone Jack was burned by Dabi.

"Shit! My jacks are too sensitive to be brutally burned like this," Jiro winced, gently stroking her jacks. "I should learn to take better care of them if I don't want to lose half of my quirk."

Several disks were then hurled at each of the League members. "Let's do this, Kaminari!" Yanagi exclaimed and propelled Kaminari into the air.

"With the pointer, I won't hit the others," Kaminari calculated as he focused on the League. "I'll let loose with everything I've--" However, before he could take any action, Mr. Compress shot out his last remaining compressed debris at him, striking Kaminari with a sizable piece of rubble, causing him to plummet from the air.

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