Chapter 13: A Big Red Bow

Start from the beginning

"Can we get started? I need to get back to Marseilles before the morning hours."

"Si! Come!"

We stepped out into the hot sun. I saw Giovanni with a man wearing a blue bucket hat. Nick. My heartbeat escalated at once. Marianna expressed surprise at the sight of her son. She marched across the beach towards them and from my observation, an argument with the two of them ensued.

"I just have to ask you." The photographer stood beside me. "Isn't this awkward for you?"

I can't answer that without it being quoted somewhere. I have learned that it's better not to say anything. Nick moved away from the conversation, making his way to me.

Unable to wait to be spoken to in front of the photographer I walked back to the tent. He came in soon after.

"Keira. It's been a minute."


"Hi? That's it?" He scoffed and took off his hat. Yes, Marcelle does look like him. "It's been seventeen months and that's all you have to say to me?"

"I don't follow. What am I supposed to say?"

"That you miss me and that you made a mistake with Sinclair."

I scoffed dryly. "I don't miss your bad attitude and I did not make a mistake with Sinclair. I made a mistake with you."

"You don't mean that. You're just saying that to push me away. You can't accept your mistakes."

"I accepted my mistakes and moved on! But you longer in them, trying to drag me down with you!" I lost it!

I have had it with being entangled in this family. Blackmailed by Marianna. Giovanni's demands and now Nick's drama. I just can't deal with it anymore.

I tried to get past him to get the shoot done with but he grabbed me. I got close to the turbulent pale blue eyes. "You broke my heart when you married my enemy."

"You broke mine when you called me a gold digger. Don't avt like you're faultless in this. You are a big part if the problem. Until you deal with that, we have nothing to talk about."

"Nicko, let go of the girl." His grandfather instructed in a serious tone. Nick released me. "Come. We have things to do in Rome."

After they left, Marianna got closer. "I apologize for that. Only Gio knew of the photoshoot. I didn't want Nicko here. Per favore, forgive me for that."

I covered my face, fighting my tears. I told myself I won't cry for Nick anymore. I will not.

"Your son called me a gold digger. He's convinced all I wanted from him was money and that is why I left him for Sinclair when he lost everything. But that is not true. Nickolas dumped me when I was in jail. In my lowest moment he left me Marianna. I may look like the one who hurt him but that is not what happened." I explained.

"I'm sorry Keira. He is selfish on some days. I am so sorry that you had to live through the hell of his own making. I don't hold you responsible for how things ended or even keeping the children a secret. But you do know that eventually, we all face consequences for the decisions we make."

"I know."

"Let's get started so that you can go back home."

Sinclair's POV
Lately the port has been busy. My work ethic of showing up once a week has become a daily thing. The business is growing at an exponential rate. With that, more wealth. I'm happy that I have frown what my father left. I'm also happy about something else; the gift I'm giving Keira.

Across the Sinclair Port is a fleet of Cruise ships. I started a Cruise line as my own business separate from the shipping business owned by my father and his father before him.
It's doing well so far and I'm ready to hand over the business to Keira. It's my gift to her. I call it Cruise de Marina. I would like for her to have something that is her own.

"Monsieur, good morning." Marissa approached me.

"What is it Marissa?"

"I have something you need to see." She offered me a popular magazine in the fashion industry. The cover photo gave me mixed feelings all at once. For any man, it's exciting to see her in a bikini. For me, I know her body too intimately to even want another man to catch a glimpse. She's showing too much skin. "She did a photo shoot for Mariana Balotelli's summer collection.

Keira told me she's meeting Marianna for a friendly chat. She didn't say she was going to put on skimpy bikinis and expose herself at the beach! I rolled up the magazine and clenched my jaw.

"You must know the best sale the magazine has ever had is this issue. It's her. Marianna Balotelli has also sold out her summer collection in just two weeks. Should I reprimand her?"

"No." I answered. "You can go Marissa."

As soon as she left, Keira joined me. "I just spoke to the nanny. Marcella is throwing tantrums. She wasn't happy about being left at home."

I turned my eyes to the stunning beauty beside me. She must have fallen from heaven. It's the only explanation.

"I thought you hated modelling."

"I do."

"What is this ma cherie?" I showed her the magazine.

She reluctantly took it. "I can explain."

"Indulge me afterwards. I have something to show you."

I took her hand, holding it firmly. I left her down the port to the other side where Cruise ships are docked. One of the ships has a red bow wrapped around it. Who said expensive things only come in small boxes?

"Theo! Is it... for me?"

I wanted the whole building behind it to be wrapped in a bow as well but I figured it will be too much.

"Oui ma cherie. Not just that one but every Cruise ship docked here. All five are yours. The building behind them is yours. Congratulations Keira, you are a CEO of your own company."

Tears are streaming down her eyes. She deserves the whole world. If I could make her queen and force all these people to bow down before her, I would.

"I don't know what... I don't know what to say Theo."

"You don't need to say anything. What you can do is make sure it grows."

She hugged me and seconds later she kissed me. I indulged her, possessing her as I'd wish and not caring about who could be looking at us.

I may be a lot of things but I want nothing but for Keira to be a success. I will support and build her up until she's a force to reckon with. She came to me broken with nothing. But this broken bird will soar above the clouds. I'll make sure of it.

The Sinclair Series Book #2: Mrs Sinclair Where stories live. Discover now