"Everyone has their demons," Bob starts off slowly. "But no, that doesn't make you unlovable. It just means there's someone out there that's gonna be able to handle the bad and the ugly."

"I wish," You say with a bitter laugh. "I don't think there's anyone out there for me."

You turn to give Bob a bittersweet smile, your eyes widening when his face is suddenly right in front of yours. Your breath hitches in your throat as your eyes glance down on his lips, ready to brush yours if you close the distance enough. His breath is warm against your face and you note it's got a slight metallic smell to it. Bob's around meat so much he pretty much permanently smells of it. Not that you mind. You love your meat. You both pause in your places, waiting for the other to give some sign or make a move. You move first, and you decide to just lay your feelings on the line.

Your eyes are closed tight as you kiss Bob, your hands clenching in your lap as you sit still. Soon enough, you feel his lips move on yours and you melt into the kiss. Your lips part and a soft tongue finds its way into your mouth. He even tastes metallic among other things. His hand comes to cup your cheek as you both sink into the French kiss. You both pull away when you need air, Bob's cheeks flushed bright red.

"I'm out here," He breathes softly. "Think ya can reel me in?"

"Oh? I haven't done so yet?" You ask him with an amused grin. "Guess that kiss is only meaningful to me."

"Ya know I'm kiddin'," He chuckles, pulling you into another kiss.

"Do you want to come in? We could order a pizza or something?" You ask him softly.

"I would very much like that darlin'," He chuckles softly.

You show Bob where he can keep his truck parked outside of your apartment, the two of you heading inside once you unlock your door. You smile and invite Bob in, chuckling when your cat comes to greet you like always.

"Hey baby. How was your day?" You coo, stopping down to scratch their head. "Meet my new friend Bob."

Your cat sniffs the air and stares at Bob with a tilted head. Bob slowly crouches down and offers his hand, your cat purring as they rub against his hand.

"They like you," You chuckle softly. "They don't like very many people."

"Maybe it's the smell," Bob chuckles, following you into the living room.

"Anywhere is fine. I'll order pizza," You smile, offering him the remote before stepping into the kitchen to make your order.

"You got a nice little place here," Bob tells you when you sit beside him. "It has a very homey feel to it."

"Thank you. I've done more decoration since I got medically retired. It's my place so why not treat it like it is," You tell him. "Find anything good to watch?"

"Not really," He admits, slipping an arm around your shoulder. "Nothing is more fun to watch than when you're workin'."

"You watch me while I work?" You ask him, giggling when he grows red.

"N-No! I swear! I don't mean anything creepy about it!" He stammers out. "That was probably a stupid thing to say."

"You're not very good at this," You can't help but tease, earning a laugh from Bob.

"Nah, not really," He admits. "But can't blame a guy for trying."

"I'm not any better," You admit, looking down as you mess with your hands. "I like watching you work."

"There's nothing interestin' to it," He replies.

"I think you're pretty interesting," You tell him with a sheepish smile. "You look pretty happy. It's like you're in your element."

"It's only cause I am," He laughs. "I've been doing this a while."

"You're so old," You tease, slapping a hand over your mouth. You did not mean for that to slip out.

"Am I now?! How old am I?" He purrs, his eyes slightly wider and a large grin on his face. "Go on. How old do ya think I am?"

"At least seventy," You snicker.

"Jokes on you. I'm in my forties," He says, sticking his tongue out at you.

"See? Old," You tell him. "I'm only in my thirties."

"Wait? Seriously?! I thought you were in your early twenties at least. I couldn't understand why someone so beautiful and young would take an interest in me," He tells you. "Makin' me feel like a damn cradle robber."

"Guys in my twenties didn't interest me much. Honestly, no one has interested me until I met you. I love working with you, your passion, your kindness, it's amazing. I really admire it," You tell him with a soft smile.

"Thank ya kindly," He chuckles, his accent thick in his response.

"Your accent helps," You admit to him.

"Since when do I have an accent?!" He cries in fake shock. "No idea what yer talkin' 'bout."

"Yes you do!" You snort with laughter. "It's pretty charming."

"You think I'm pretty charming?" Bob asks with a sly smirk.

"Y-Yes!" You stammer out with flushed cheeks. "I do think you're rather charming."

"You're sweet," He chuckles softly. "Plus you're a great leader and super kind. I know people expect this hard ass but you're not that way at all."

"I can be if the situation calls for it but it's about treating everyone with respect. Civilians aren't going to respond the same way soldier will when you yell at them. It's just a matter of handling those switches," You explain to him.

"You do a pretty good job," Bob assures you.

"Oh! Pizza!" You smile when your doorbell rings.

"I got it," He chuckles when you go to get up. "You stay put. No use makin' ya do more work than ya hafta."

"Here, for tip," You smile, handing Bob the money.

"Very generous of you," He smiles, heading to the door and getting the pizza.

"If you want, I have soda in the fridge," You tell him. "And....half a chocolate cake. For dessert."

"Why do you have half a chocolate cake?" He snorts in amusement. "Did you eat the other half?"

"Over a few days! I didn't eat it all in one sitting," You huff. "If you're gonna judge you don't get any."

"You really think you could stop me?" Bob asks with a smirk.

"I'll fight you for it," You grin, putting your hands up and playfully punching the air.

"I'm quivering in my socks," Bob laughs. "I'll grab us drinks."

"You don't wanna see me when I'm angry is all!" You call out to him with a laugh.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," He snickers, plopping down beside you.

You bath enjoy your pizza and random movies, eventually grabbing blankets. You scoot close to Bob, leaning against him and eventually nodding off to sleep.


Bob chuckles softly when he sees this, carefully shifting until you're laying on his lap. He gently strokes your hair and just admired your sleeping form. You're perfect. Everything he's ever wanted! He loves watching you. He's been doing it quite often and he's learned your routine. Bob might even say he knows you better than you know yourself. Of course, he wasn't going to let that part slip. He doesn't know why he's so drawn to you but he is and he wants to explore as far as you would go with him. He rests back and settles in for sleeping sitting.

He soothes himself by playing with your hair, enjoying another warm body next to him in who knows how long. You even seem to compliment his body temperature as he doesn't feel very cold or hot when you're together. Whenever you touch him it sends shivers through his bones. He wants all of you. Not in his cannibal way, no, he just wants what he can get from you. Maybe figure out these strange feelings he's having towards you. He wants to test things. He smiles at the thought of a future of both of you together. He's never wanted that before.....


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