Chapter Five ⁜ Black Heart

Start from the beginning

Chay runs his hand through his hair. He licks his lips as if chasing the tase of Kim still on them, and Kim wishes for it to be the truth because he can't be the only one addicted to this feeling of their lips dancing as one—he can't imagine feeling so much while Chay feels nothing. But Chay's hands—Kim notices with satisfaction—are shaking. It's barely noticeable but Kim is hyperaware of everything Chay is doing, every little move, every quirk of his body, or change in his voice. So Kim notices it and it makes him want to take Chay's hands and hold them until they aren't shaking anymore, until they rest in Kim's hands willingly, relaxed and tender because that's where they belong—Chay's hands in Kim's; forever. Before Chay finally looks at Kim, he unlocks his phone. His lips are plump and red and they are glistening in the phone light, and Kim thinks that he finally understands all those ancient poems and who they were written about.

"Um... yeah, that was—that was good," Chay says, his voice slightly hoarse and Kim wants to kiss him again.

"I told you no one complained."

Chay rolls his eyes and shoves his phone into Kim's hands, "your number."

"What should I put as my name? Mob boss, Kim, boyfriend... husband?"

"How about an 'annoying psycho with obsessive tendencies'?" Chay offers.

"Sweetheart," Kim smirks. "Don't pretend you don't like me. You were practically devouring my mouth just moments ago."

Chay sighs, "whatever—just put Boss and a black heart next to it."

Kim cock his eyebrow, "boss?"

Chay smirks, "I have a nickname for you. And really, don't forget the black heart."

Kim puts in his name and phone number as he was ordered to do and hands the phone back to Chay. The digital clock in the car says that it is ten minutes past midnight. Kim knows that Chay will now get out of the car and disappears for god knows how many days. And he doesn't like it. His father once called Kim's obsession an attachment issue and maybe he was right. Kim just doesn't like when people and things that make him feel nice aren't right next to him all the time. It's like he isn't important enough for them to stay.

Chay looks at the clock, too. Kim wishes that Chay wouldn't want to leave him as well. But he knows that not everyone is like him. Not everyone gets obsessed so easily and so fast—Chay probably won't even think about him the moment he leaves this car.

"I have to go," Chay says. "It's too late." And Kim thinks that he hears a slight disappointment in Chay's voice—and maybe Kim is just making it up, but it still feels comforting.

"Yeah. I know," Kim replies because he doesn't know what else to say. Should he just lock the doors and don't let Chay out? He figures pretty quickly that—that wouldn't probably be the best start to their relationship.

Chay looks at him, "remember—no contact until I text you first. I know that you can somehow find my number or socials or even drive here... so do not do that! Okay?"


Chay gives him a quick smile, "good night and be careful driving home."

Chay wants him to be careful.

The noise of the car door shutting behind Chay is too loud in the middle of the night and it startles Kim more than all those bullets in the restaurant did. He is watching Chay's silhouette getting further and further away from him, and it feels as if he is slipping through Kim's fingertips, and before Kim thinks about it twice, he is already getting out of the car and spinning Chay around, their lips only inches away.

"Can I?" he pleads.

"Yeah," Chay whispers and just like that, Kim kisses him again.

THE OFFER (HE CAN'T REFUSE)  ☆ KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now