Keep Trying Harder

Start from the beginning

"Oh.. I'm Taylor." I wave at him. "I'm Zach." he said.

"Sorry about my sister here,what grade are you in Zach?" Alex asked.

"I'm a sophmore,and you guys?" he asked.

"Same." I said.

"Wait,all of you guys?" His eyes went wide.

"Yeah, were Septuplets. Where are you from?" Jake asked trying change the subject.We usually get 21 questions about our birth and we don't like going into deep about it.

"Wow,you could of fooled me. Las Vegas, Navada. I- "

"Well we've got to go but it was nice meeting you, see you at school." said Conner rudely interrupting.

"Ok bye guys." he said still looking confused as we walk back to our driveway where our car was waiting.

In the car I was listening to my IPhone 7 . Jake,Conner,and Alex were talking about the new freshmen players that were gonna go to our school this year while Hanna and Chloe were talking about what they were going to buy.Sara was texting on her phone.I was finishing up the song "Final Episode" by Asking Alexandria when I heard Sara call my name.


"Do you want a makeover?" she asked.This was like Sara always trying to change me when she knows my answer would always be no.

''No thank's." I said as nicely I could.

"To bad, I'm giving you one and you're going to love it and you're also going to dress the way I tell you for the next school year." she said in a matter of fact tone.

"You cant force me to do any thing."I said starting to get angry.Who was she to tell me what to do?!

"Well actually I can because if you dont I'm going to tell Mom and Dad what you did with your gay friend this summer,drugs are really bad for you Taylor." she said with a smile."Oh no." How did she know about me and John doing drugs. No body saw us! He made sure!-Wait a minute this is Sara I'm talking about she's probably bluffing.

"You wouldn't!" I say while trying giving her a death stare.

"I would'nt? How do you think I found out. I know everything baby sis. All I want is to not be embarrassed another year because of you. You need to get your shit together and ditch these emo friends of yours and start hanging out with your sister. That's all I ask but if you wanna test me...We'll just see about that. She unlocked her phone and started calling my dad. Man she was serious!

"Fine! You can do you dumb makeover!"



All my life I just wanted to either be as pretty and popular as my siblings but by the end of middle school I just didn't care anymore I was willing to be just Taylor the weird one. 
       When we finally got to the mall which is about 20minutes away from our neighborhood .  I stared walking as fast as l could to hide from the rest when some one started pulling my arm.

"Hanna let go!" She didn't. Dumb track star! I stared pulling myself away from her. Which didn't work out very well for me because I ended up on the ground but Hanna still kept on dragging me.

"Hanna,wait let go for a second." Said Alex coming from behind her.When she let go I got up."Thank-" I didn't get to finish because I was now danglying on Alex's shoulder.

"Alex put me down!" I screamed not caring who heard -which happen to be every one in the mall. In the corner of my eye I saw a couple girls giggling and waving towards Alex.

"Why are you guys doing this to me?!" I said

"Because its for your own good."Jake said coming out of nowhere. Jake ok with Sara blackmailing me?

"How is changing me for my own good?!" I said not willing to discuss it in front of the rest of them.

"Dont you get it, were twins but we can get a date, you can't-" Sara started but she was cut off by Jake

"Sara shut up!" he said.

"No,dont stop her. She's right,I'm not like you guys.But I'm ready to be."I can't believe I said that! I dont want to be like them.Oh well can't take it back now.



"Could you put me down now?"


By the time we came home it was 7pm and I was really tired from all the walking I had to do in the mall. I was beat and I smelt like the Hollister store.I needed a shower. It seemed that all I could think about in the shower was how awkward I was gonna feel wearing the clothes my sisters picked out for me. I needed to get out and sleep off the horror. Once I got out the shower and was just about to put on my PJ's I spotted some thing out of my window. Somebody was watching was ZACH!!

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!"I screamed

"Taylor whats wrong!" Jake called out as he ran into my room.I looked back at the window and saw it was emty.

"Umm...nothing sorry it was nothing."I said.

"Are you sure?''

"Yeah I'm sure."

"Ok then dont scare me like that any more."

"Got it Jake.Hey I'm going to go on a walk Ok tell Mom and Dad if they ask ok?"

"Ok be careful though."

Once he left I got dressed fast and walked across the street to Zach's house and knocked on the door as hard as I could.When it opened instead of Zach at the door way it was a middle aged women."Yes?"she asked."Hi I'm Taylor ,I was wondering if I could talk to Zach." I said

"Oh I'm sorry but he left."She said. But I just saw him. Ugh. Quick to run I see.

"Oh ok then can you tell him that next time he tries to watch me change he should think again." And with that I walked away but I swear I heard the lady scream "Zachary Jeffree Smith,you little peeping tom get down here!"

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