Part 1

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Zaleah Pov

Tuesday January 10,2023

I wake up early to my alarm going off I got up and did my morning routine since today is the day my family and I are going to Queens new York to live.

I already pack my suit case overnight cause I don't want my parents shouting at me. 2 hours drive to the airport we tell our other family members bye hours later we went on the plane I was actually kinda sad cause I'll be leaving home but I'm actually happy cause I'll get to see my besties later.

6hours later
We had landed in new York My grandad came and pick us up from the airport 2 hours later we arrived at our new home. I went upstairs to my room and started unpacking everything out of my suit case 3 hours after putting everything where they must go I went to shower and change my outfit my parents already told me I'm starting school tomorrow which eventually I'll get two see my best friends which I'm excited for cause I missed those mfs so much.

Wednesday January 11,2023
7:20 am

Well today is the day I go to my new school and I'll see my besties again I got up did my morning routine and took a nice hot shower I got out of the bathroom I already did got my nails and hair done back at home. I lotion my skin and put on my outfit I took out for school then I did my edges I grab my bag pack and went down stairs I ate breakfast my parents had leave for me. I got a text message from my besties that they were outside I grab my stuff and went outside my besties scream with excitement as they saw me after that we drive to school.

At school

Tori who was driving park into the school parking lot all 3 of us got out and head towards the building I went to the front desk to get my guide to know which classes I'll be in after I got it my friends show me around the school well my friends and I have all classes together which I am greatful for.Since we didn't get to do our morning classes which is totally fine cause they were showing me around the school the bell rang and it's lunch time so my friends and I went to the cafeteria.

Jalen Pov
At school

My homies and I were in the cafeteria when this new girl came in with her friends I never saw her around here before and god she is the most beautiful girl I had ever seen her features are gorgeous I couldn't take my eyes off her I kept looking at her until she mad eye contact with me as our eyes met I felt something that I guess what people called "butterflies "
never thought I nigga like me would have caught those.We eventually break eye contact I know just in my mind that I was gonna get to know that girl and let her be mines which she doesn't know as yet.

First chapter guys..

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