Confession Of Tension

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In the dimly lit expanse of his bedroom, Bad sat nervously in front of his computer screen, headphones clamped securely over his ears. The soft glow of his PC cast a gentle illumination on his face, lighting the anxiety etched across his features. His fingers fidgeted restlessly, tapping on the keyboard as he debated whether to reveal the overwhelming emotions that had been haunting him.

The digital world around them fell into an eerie silence as the game they had been engrossed in took a backseat to the pressing matter at hand. Bad's racing heart seemed to echo in the empty virtual space as he steeled himself for the confession he was about to make.

"Bad..?" Skeppy's voice, tinged with concern, filtered through the microphone. He had noticed the sudden pause in the game, his own keyboard falling silent as he waited for Bad's next words.

Taking a deep breath, Bad tried to steady the tremor in his voice. "Skeppy," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "before we meet... there's something I need to tell you."

"What is it, Bad?" Skeppy asked, concern filling his stomach.

Time seemed to freeze as Bad hesitated, his heart pounding in his chest. The weight of his confession hung in the air, and he knew there was no turning back.

"Skeppy, I love you."

A painful silence descended upon the virtual space that connected them, as if the very molecules in the air held their collective breath. Bad's eyes welled up with tears as he braced himself for the inevitable rejection.

"What..?" Skeppy's voice, faint and tremulous, finally broke the silence. It was a response Bad hadn't quite expected, leaving him teetering on the precipice of hope.

Bad swallowed hard, his voice trembling with vulnerability. "I'm sorry..."

Skeppy uttered a single word that breathed life back into Bad's fragile hope. "Wait."

Bad's gaze shot up, his eyes wide with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

"What do you mean you love me?" Skeppy's voice, though still soft, held a trace of confusion that sent Bad's heart on a rollercoaster of emotions.

"Skeppy," Bad spoke with a light chuckle, "Wasn't it obvious?"

Skeppy's voice wavered as he admitted, "I don't understand what you're saying, Bad."

The words hung in the air, like an unsolvable riddle, until Bad gathered his courage and spoke again. "Well... I love you, Skeppy. I've always loved you. Like... I want to be with you... Romantically..." Each word was a struggle, as if he were pouring his very soul into the confession.

"Is this a joke?" Skeppy's voice carried a hint of frustration, a touch of disbelief. The weight of his accusation pressed down on Bad's chest like an anchor.

Bad couldn't bring himself to respond. He simply sat there, hunched in his chair, his vulnerability exposed like an open wound. "I'm sorry," he whispered again, his voice barely audible.

Skeppy's tone shifted, carrying an undercurrent of anxiety. "Bad. If this is a troll, please tell me before I say something stupid."

"I'm being one hundred percent serious," Bad managed to choke out, his voice quivering with the fear of rejection.

"One hundred and fourteen percent?" Skeppy countered, a smile evident in his tone.

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