🌹 | Dear Bird. (7)

Start from the beginning

"jj." Kie saus.

"Yup, yup- yup." He rushes over, holding his green ass sandwhich.

"That's literally disgusting." I mutter at him.

"Try it." He shoved it in my face and I quickly turn to gag.

He takes a bite and soon after gags aswell, and spits it out quickly.

John b rips the package open.

"God this is scary." I sigh.

He pulls out a huge map and unfolds it.

"Woah." Pope murmurs. "X- marks the spot." He points at an X in the map.

He grabs a tape recorder that was also in the envelope.

"Holy shit a walkie talkie." jj says excitedly.

"It's a tape recorder, dumb ass." I look sideways at him and he shrugs.

Big john: "Hate to say 'I told you so,' But I told you so. You doubted your old man.

I suspect at this moment, you're filled with guilt and self-loathing after our last fight.. but- don't beat your self up too much kid. I didn't expect to find the merchant either.

You're probably right to call me out. Wasn't exactly father of the decade. What can I say, kid? I could smell the barn.

Hopefully we're listening to this.. in our brand new sugar-shack down in costa rica, living off passive investments and pulling on permits.

If not, and you find this got less than optimal reasons, that's what the map is for.

There she be, the wreck of the merchant.

If something happens to me, finish what I started.

Go for the gold, kid.

I love you, bird, even if I didn't always act like it.

I'll see you on the other side."

The tape recording ends abruptly, and the static crackles.

John b slams the tape down and stands up, walking away.

"Holy shit, he did it! Big John— he found the merchant! " jj celebrates.

I look over at john b, he's sobbing..

"Can you.. can you please?" Kiara whispers.

"Sorry." jj quietly says as john b sobs in the back.

Kie walks over to him to comfort him by hugging him.

I pinch my mouth, looking down at the map, my eyes a bit teary.

"I didn't know.." jj quietly whispers as he hears john b cry.

"It's fine," I shake my head.


Kie strums at her ukulele, we're all sat at the end of the dock, leading to the marche.

jj is throwing stones into the water. "How much was it again?"

I look at him sitting beside me. "400 million." I cant believe i'd say that so casually.

jj sighs. "Alright. let's talk the split. And before you say equally I just wanted to say I've been our only source of protection throughout this."

I cross my arms. "You have 0 training."

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