Chapter 14

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Just as she thought that everything was falling apart, everything came together. She remembers it like it was yesterday (probably because it was yesterday) when they had just gotten back from church when she received a call from Emily and she announced that her and Damon were finally getting married next Saturday. Bonnie squealed excitingly into the phone causing Stefan to chuckle and Emily to squeal right back. She then asked if Bonnie could be her bridesmaid which she said yes to immediately and shortly after that, they ended the call and Bonnie told Stefan everything.

Now, she's doing her daily run on the treadmill and even though breast feeding Samuel helped her lose a lot of the weight, she still wanted to get back into her fit body back which seemed to be coming along in her eyes. Stefan would also chime in every now and then complimenting her on how hard she's been working, but he's always found her beautiful no matter what size she was.

Thinking about the list of things she had to do to make sure that Emily had the best time ever, she couldn't stop her mind from wandering to her own ceremony for her and Stefan's vow renewal. She feels bad that she pushed it back longer than she knew that Stefan wanted, but she made up her mind that next month when Damon and Emily's special day had time "die down" some, they could gather together again and witness another happy couples special day. Bonnie didn't want anything big, simply just a couple of friends and her mom and Stefan's parents, Damon and Emily and of course the kids.

Speaking of her friends, Bonnie figured that she needed to call them since they haven't been over in a while. Samuel took up a lot of her time that she barely had time for a social life but she would give them a call and hopefully they could come over for dinner and possibly help her with the wedding planning. She decided to call them right then knowing that she would most likely forget later on. She talked to Caroline who agreed and left a message with Elena knowing that she was most likely teaching then when she noticed that Samuel was still napping, she convinced herself to take a quick shower and just as she stepped out, she heard his beautiful cry.


Stefan stood there watching his brother get fitted for a suit as he rambled on talking about how him and Emily made up and how she's the one who came up with the idea to get married on Saturday. All Stefan could do was smile feeling happy for his brother. It's the first time in a long time where he could tell that his brother was generally happy and he hoped that this "new Damon" would die down and return back to his old ways since he's finally getting what he's been wanting for years.

"That's great, Damon, I'm really happy for you."

"Thanks, brother."

They smiled a little at each other before Stefan's phone went off and he turned to answer it. "Hey, sexy."

"Ohh, sexy, huh?"

"Hell yeah,"

Bonnie smiled. "Well I was calling to let you know that I'm going over Emily's cousin, Sarah's house for dinner, all of us girls are going to get together and plan the wedding."

"Fine, just remember you have a curfew, don't be out later than one AM."

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