Chapter 8

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Bonnie watched as Stefan was on the phone with one of his employees and he was being rather mean which did nothing but turn her on. She didn't know what it was but lately, everything that he seemed to do, every move that he seemed to make, made her want to pounce. She's always found him attractive, but it's like ever since she'd gotten pregnant he has gotten a hundred times that.

Smiling she pushed herself off the threshold and walked over to him pushing him gently over to the bed until he was laying flatly on it still on the phone watching her hover above him.

His speech became a little stuttered when she moved his freed hand along her body and involuntarily let a groan escape.

"I uh, let me call you back." He said quickly then ended the call. "Damn, babe. Come here,"

Bonnie smiled then leaned in connecting their lips moaning when his hands moved up her thighs and shortly moved to the hem of her shirt pulling it up her torso.


Stefan pulls her naked body in closer to his with their lips connected for what seemed like hours and they just couldn't seem to get enough.

"Should I add 'sex lord' to my résumé?" He said pulling away rubbing the smoothness of her back.

"Hell no. The only person that needs to know your skills is me."

"Oh, so have skills now, huh?" He said smirking then kissed her.

"Of course you do, otherwise I wouldn't be pregnant right now."

"Speaking of," he kissed her, "if we keep at this," he kissed her again, "we might be expecting twins."

She smiled then ran her hand down his chest and abs, "I'll be okay with twins as along as I get to have you."

He groaned when her hand traveled further. "I'll be okay with that too."

Bonnie smiled then leaned in to meet his lips.


When they managed to pull away from each other, Stefan went to pick up Austyn from her grandparents house. They've been all so busy with everything that Austyn hadn't seen them in close to two months, that and Stefan didn't get the chance to tell them about Bonnie which he planned to do when he went to pick her up. He knew that once he spilled the beans that they wouldn't be surprised at all because Austyn has a history of spilling secrets and he hoped that she let this one slip. If she did then he knew that his parents would not freak out because of all the great things he knows Austyn told them about her mom that they couldn't possibly disapprove.

He wondered if his girl had told them about the pregnancy too and hoped that she did, but even if she didn't, he was coming clean about everything.

He looked at his old house parked in front of it smiling when he heard Austyn's loud laugh thanks to the window being open. He let out a breath then got out of the car waving to the neighbor as he walked up the path then ringed the doorbell.

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