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November 25th 2021:

"What the fuck do I do, Jamie?" I stress, pacing around in my brother's room. "Erm, act like a normal fucking human." He scoffs, looking down at his phone. "Are you even paying attention!" I shout, taking his phone off him. "Morgan was messaging me." He stares at me blankly. "Morgan, please wait for my brother's reply and I talk to him about my crisis. Thank you, also love you lots." I quickly sent a voice note to my brother's girlfriend.

"It's not that big of a deal." Jamie rolls his eyes. "Not that big of a deal! I'm going to film a video with Arthur, I can't do that!" I put his phone on his desk as I sit on a chair. "I thought you were only friends?" Jamie raises his eyebrows. "We are." I glare at him. "Then why are you stressing? You don't see me acting like you when I go and film Avatar with Jack or Bailey." He shakes his head.

"You act like it when you act with Morgan." I point at him. "Yeah, because she's my girlfriend, you dumb fuck. I want to look good for her." He shrugs. "She's known you since two thousand and fourteen. I'm sure she's seen all your personality." I laugh. "Yeah, I guess." He laughs along. "Just don't stress about it, if you are stressing obviously you do like him. You have some attraction towards him. I mean... who wouldn't." Jamie smiles.

"He is gorgeous." I sigh, staring off into space. "And you say you're only friends." Jamie scoffs. "Because we are. No one has directly asked me if I like him." I hold my hands up in defence, earning a raised eyebrow from him. "Do you like him?" He asks me. "Way to put me on the spot." I side-eye him. "You liter..." He sits up from his headboard, about to start a sentence.

"Yes, Jamie. I do like him, he's cool, he's handsome, god he's boring but a good boring. You know? We have similar interests, he makes me laugh, with his stupid sense of smile. And god, his smile... It's perfect, he's perfect. And have you seen his abs, they have a blushing and shi..." I list of. "Wow, my big sister is in love." Jamie makes his voice higher, teasing me. "Shit the fuck up. But if we do start dating, I want him to ask me out in an aquarium, near the sharks." I smile.

"Remember when I was like this with Morgs? You were the first person I told about my crush on her." Jamie looks up at his ceiling. "Yeah, you were infatuated by her." I laugh at the memory. "I still am seven years later." Jamie smiles softly. "Well I would love to stay and talk, but I gotta get to Arthur's." I stand up, grabbing my bag. "Have fun, and don't make a joke of yourself." Jamie hugs me, as I walk towards him.

"If anything, it will be Arthur making a joke of himself." I shake my head. "Can you pass me my phone before you leave?" Jamie holds his hand out towards me as he leans back down. I look between the phone on his desk and my little brother a couple of times. I can be annoying and walk out to think I'm funny, or be a nice sister and just pass it to him. Before I know it I'm shaking my head and walking out of his room.

"Lilian you twat!" He shouts. "Shut my door as well you little shit!" He scoffs. "I'm older than you, dinlo. Do it yourself; you lazy shit!" I ran downstairs. "Bye, honey." Mum walks towards me and kisses my head. "Love you too, mum. I'll be back soon." I smile at her, kissing her cheek as I put my coat on. "Bring that boy back, he's a looker." She winks at me, making my jaw drop. "Mum, I know but never say that again." I shake my head flabbergasted, before walking out of the house.
"You need to get out of the car already!" El shouts, at me as I FaceTime her. "Yeah, they're literally waiting for you."Alyssa nods from beside her. "How's filming going?" I ask trying to change the subject. "Nah, you're not doing that." Alyssa scoffs. "I may be blonde, but I am not stupid." She glares at me through the phone. "Okay, I'll go now. I'll love you and leave you." I blow a kiss, earning a 'Love you' back from the girls before hanging up.
"It's chill, Lillian. You'll be fine. Stop being a fucking pussy." The brunette girl whispers to herself, taking a deep breath before stepping out of the car. "Hi, Lilian." Arthur opened the door just as Lillian was about to knock on it. "Hello, Arthur." She straightens up and awkwardly smiles at the boy. "He was waiting by the window waiting for you to get out of your car." Jokeman laughs, looking down at his phone. "Shut up," Arthur tells him, a blush covering his face.

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