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November 19th 2021:

"Hello, sexy people!" Anna Shouts, at the camera set up in the studio. "We are back with another video, Holly is not here yet, she's running late." The girl shrugs. "That's unlike her." Emily laughs, sitting at the side of the room behind PC's. "Don't bullshit me." The brown-haired girl shakes her head. "I found a stray." Holly opens the door right next to Anna. "Oh my god, who is it?" The younger girl asks.

"It's our guest for today, Lilian Flatters ." The older one says. "Is that the shitty actor?" Anna whispers. "Yeah, she's following me like a creep." Holly shakes her head, looks back out the door jumping back letting out a scream. "Everyone, act like you're happy to see her." Holly nods at the two girls in the room. "Uh, Holls." Em points behind her.

"What?" Holly asks, slowly spinning around and opening her eyes when she sees the girl. "Hey, Lilian. I'm happy you could come on the pod." Holly smiles, bringing the girl into a hug. "I'm happy to be here, Holl's. Not like El forced me." The blonde shakes her head. "Ahh, El. The best Barn sibling." Anna sighs. "Just so you all know, everything I've just said is a joke, I love Lili." Holly sits down.

"Do you have any wine?" Lilian looks at the girls. "Straight in there." Anna laughs. "I like it." She adds, pulling out some gin. "This is all we have for the time being." Holly takes the bottle handing it to Lilian. "Holly drank all the other alcohol," Emily says. "Shut the fuck up, had an argument with the man, drinking makes me less sad." Holly shakes her head. "Okay, let's get on with the video." Anna smiles.

"Okay, Lilian. You've blown up the last couple of days." Anna nods, sipping on some gin. "Tell us why." Holly leans back in her chair. "Well, there's a movie I have a small part in coming out next month." The girl shrugs. "Yeah, but where have you been for the past two weeks for the viewers or listeners at home who don't know," Anna tells her. "I've just come out of locked in." The girl nods.

"Did you make any friends?" Anna questions. "Yeah, everyone in the house. They're all great people, made me feel as part of the group you know." Lilian answers. "The followers wanted to ask you some questions, about your experience," Anna says while Holly gets up Instagram on her phone. "Let's get right into this. This is a good one, how did you get approached to get on locked in?" Holly reads.

"Oh, so I think Mel suggested me to them. They emailed me, just asking if I'd be up for it. I said yeah after reading what it was about and watching last season one." Lilian explains. "Of course it was Mel." Holly laughs. "Next question," Anna says, holding up her phone she got put when Lilian was answering Holly's question. "How did you feel stepping out of the car?" Anna looks at the girl.

"I was shitting myself. Like so much, I was second in there and fucking, Spuddz the dick, made me almost shit myself. But yeah, I was so anxious, because I'm an actress and all of the others were influencers. They all knew of each other, I just about knew off Johnny, that's it." Lilian explains, taking loads of sips of her gin. "What about this one, who was your least favourite in the house?" Holly raises her eyebrows.

"No one, they were all great. Don't have a bad thing to say about anyone, there were people I talked to less than everyone else I'm pretty sure you'd be able to see that on the episodes. But I do wish I talked to her more. But Anastasia, we should talk more messages me and we'll go for drinks or something." Lilian smiles at the camera. "What about your favourite in the house?" Anna turns her phone off.

"As I said they're all amazing people and I love all of them. But me and Arthur just clicked, we were both very shy and just got along really well." The actress smiles, thinking about the man. "Yeah, everyone saw the chemistry between the two of you. It's all the comments were full of." Anna laughs. "We are just friends, let me just say this now. Nothing will happen between us. I like having more friends in the influencer world, so I can get some tips." The Flatters girl explains.

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