Break in

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Arabella pov

Cheryl and I had overhead Betty and some of the others were going to be sneaking into the school, so we decided to tag along

"Color me impressed" i said spooking them as they all jumped turning around

" K B and E with B and V. What would your holy roller mother say about this, Betty?" Cherly smirked looking at them

"What are you guys doing here" Betty asked looking at us

"And Bella where did you get those thigh-high boots? They're amazing" Kev said looking at me as i smiled at him

"Trev told Valerie, who told Josie, who told Ginger, who told Tina, who told Bella, who told me. And i thought we could come help out" Cheryl explained

"Help? Or derail our investigation?" Betty asked as I shined the flashlight in face

"Get over yourself, Betty." i said looking at her

"You guys, get in here" Ethel said as she pulled out a book and we walked over to her

"Trev was right. They didnt even bother to hide it" Betty said looking at it

"New girl? Is that what i'm reduced to? Nine points?"

"Better than "Big girl" Ethel said looking at her's, as i noticed Polly's name

"Polly's in this book" Betty and I said at the same time

"Next to Jason's name." I whispered

"Im so sorry Betty, Bella" V said looking at us

"This isnt... Jason would never" Cheryl began as Betty cut her off

"Its right there, Cheryl" Betty yelled "Your brother hurt our sister. This is what guys like Jason and Chuck think about women. We're objects for them to abuse. And when they're dont with is they shame us into silence They have zero remorse for the lives they destroy"

"Do not talk about him like you knew him, Betty. And if you knew him he would'nt willingly do this shit. You can talk about any other dude that does this shit, but do not ever talk about him, Betty." i said looking at her

"Bell, maybe we dont know him" Cheryl said as grabbed my hand taking us away from the book

"Ill take a picture. We'll show it to Weatherbee, It'll be the perfect cover for your expose, Betty"

"Yeah, but.. No. These girls deserve justice, dont you think? You want vengeance? You wanna go full dark, no stars, Veronica? I'm with you. And i have a plan"

I was laying on my bed as my mom came into my room, as i looked up at her "Are you coming to the Mayor's shindig with us?" She asked as i sat up

"Betty said shes going over to Veronica's to study for a test. So i assume you're doing the same" She said as i raised my eyebrows confused

"Uh, yeah, but im not partnered with them, so im gonna stay here and ask mine to come over if that's okay" I asked as she smiled nodding

"Of course, just make sure to be nice and show manors. offer drinks and snacks, but not the good kind though, those are for when important people come" she said as i rolled my eyes slightly

"Of course, mom" I said looking at her

"Oh, and dont be like Betty and think wearing that red lipsticks gonna make you be like Polly. It wont. Stick to the same color as always" she smiled before leaving, as i sighed flopping onto my bed.


Come to the Mayors shindig tonight, and sneak to the top ill be waiting

"Mom! On second thought ill come, i just remembered i already studied in class today, and ill do it when we come back" I said going downstairs as she smiled at me

"Okay, but change into something more.... neat" she said as i nodded going back upstairs.

Changing into a nude color mini dress with a slit on the side, an oversized crème color cardigan, along with white high top converse

When we arrived there i followed them around, after the speech mom went to talk to Jason's mom as i decided this was a good time to sneak away

I walked up the stairs walking over to Jughead as i sat next to him

"You requested me?" i said looking at him, as he smiled at me

"Archie told me to come up here, and since you know it all he asked me to ask you to come" he explained as i nodded noticing Archie coming up the stairs

"Are you sure it was worth sneaking out for some locally-sourced Munster?" Jughead asked looking at Archie

"I helped write that song, man" Archie smiled at me

"Not bad" Jughead said looking at him

"We'd love to stay, but we have to shake down an evil Adventure Scout. See you." Jughead said before grabbing my hand

"Bye, Archie" I smiled waving, as Jughead lead me down the stairs and we left

Jughead and I walked down the stairs to leave as we notice Dilton on the stairs leaning agaisnt the wall

"Hello, Dilton" Jug said catching his attention

"I talked to our of your Scouts. I know you fired the gun. Which makes you both a liar, and a public menace" Jughead said as Dilton got off of the wall looking at us

"So what if i did? I was doing the Adventure Scouts a favor. Somebody has to teach them how to stand their ground. The way this town is going..."

"Save it for your statement" I said looking at him

"Which you can make to Sherriff Keller, or to us. I suggested the Latter. Blue and Gold office. Tomorrow" Jughead said as he grabbed my hand and we left.

Given Bettys article. Weatherbee needed a sacrificial lamb. Needed to make an example of someone. So, after Hermione Lodge negotiated a lesser sentence for out two avenging angles. Coach Clayton, so save his job, to save the school's reputation, was forced to cut his own beloved son, and his goon squad, from the team. An action that, though none of us knew it at the time, would have terrible consequences in weeks to come... But one thing was certain, Betty and Veronica, now B&V, and maybe forever, had been forged. They walked though the fire and survived. Arabella would never admit it, but she was still in denial that Jason would ever willingly do what was in that book. She never knew, but her name was in that book. On a different page. Also next to Jason's name. We crave absolutes. They comfort us, but life is infinitely more complex that that. Despite all of our recent troubles. I would've done anything to protect Archie. But Dilton Doiley had just opened Pandora's box, and now, there was nothing I, or anyone , could do to save him.

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