Pep Rally

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Arabella pov

We were cheering as the marching band was going off, as i looked over seeing jughead looking at me.

He nodded his head towards the right, to see Archie talking to Grundy.

Jughead waved me over as i rolled my eyes running over to him as Archie came over.

"Girl trouble? you?" Jughead said as i looked at them.

"Grundy and me. We're telling Weatherbee" He said more so looking at me.

"At least, i am" he said as i smiled at him.

"And also, i didn't mean all that crap i said to you guys, even if you did tell someone i wasn't gonna do anything. I'm really sorry" he said.

Me and Jug looked at each other, and then looked at Archie "It cool" Jughead said shrugging.

After a while Jughead smiled "We're not gonna hug in front of this whole town" he said chucking, as i laughed.

"Why dont you guys do those bro thing where you nod like douches and ill hug you each" I said as they smiled

"Arabella, lets go!" Cheryl yelled waving me over

i laughed hugging them before running back over to Cheryl as Archie followed.

I walked over as we all got into rows in front of the stage

"Now to kickoff this pepe rally, id like to hand it over to our very own Mayor McCoy" Weatherbee said into the mic on the little stage as everyone clapped.

"thank you, Principal Weatherbee. It is heartening to see so many of you here, even in weather like this. But a lack of heart and school spirit has never been the Riverdale way. Tonight's pep rally isn't lie any other we've had in the past. and we shouldn't pretend that it is. Which is why i would like to dedicate this evening to the memory of one of our brightest. Jason Blossom" She said as i closed my eyes letting out a breath, opening them when i felt Cheryl grab onto my hand.

"its okay, you're okay, just breath" she said squeezing my hand.

"we're with him tonight. Now please, join me in welcoming to the field out very won River Vixens, and their special star guest, my daughter, Josie and her Pussycats!" she said as everyone clapped and cheered once more.

As they started singing we all began to do our routine, as it began to rain.

As we all finished Cheryl walked onto the stage giving Josie a hug, when coach also ran on the stage.

"All right, you all ready? lets make some noise! Put your hands together for the Riverdale Bulldogs!" he clapped as the girls ran over picking up the sign as they ran thorough it.

As if it was in slow motion, as Archie walked out first Jason was there instead.

Same number.

Same position.

Feeling like i was back the day he drowned as it all happened so fast.

To the boat, the rain, the falling in, the drowning, the crying on the rock, the gun shot, the body.

"no, no" I repeated as my hands begin to shake, feeling my throat closing and my chest getting tighter.

So much talking, so much noise, and i couldn't hear anything.

"1 2 3" I began counting, as i felt myself hypervenelating.

Turning as someone grabbed onto my arm, but i couldn't hear them, could barely tell who it was.

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