"That's it?" Daemion asked curiously.

"What else do you wish to know about?"


To which Rhaena coughed and flustered "surly women throw themselves at you, there is no need for you to worry."

"And why is that?"

"It is because you were blessed with dashing good looks and you are quite clever." Rhaena chuckled embarrassed "Daemion, are you trying to force a complement out of me?" To which Daemion chuckled.


Rhaena chuckled. Daemion's heart started beating faster.

Chill winds blew, Rhaena rubbed her hands together "I believe those two wish to be alone, shall we rerun to the castle?"

"Then allow me to guide you back to the castle."

"As you did the other night?"

"As I did the other night."

And the two walked side by side.

Rhaena's hand on Daemion's hand. A forgotten feeling, that was buried in the depth of their hearts, finding its way back to them.

The moon was brighter than ever. Dragons flew in the sky above their heads, dancing.

The moment was simple, truly.

It was everything He ever had wanted.

It was something she never knew she wanted.


Maegor and Aenys sat next to each other, enjoying the warmth of the fireplace. Well Maegor enjoyed the wine, perhaps a little too much, and Aenys enjoyed the fireplace.

"Have you give much thought to the Red keep brother?" Aenys asked enthusiastically but exhausted.

Maegor did not even bother to mask his lack of interest "No, I've not."

"You must see the garden aunt Visenya have made in the red keep in the memory of my mother." Aenys smiled sadly. "The Weirwood tree that she has planted there was a nice touch. I can't think anyone who could finish the red keep better than Aunt Visenya!"

Even after all these years, the loss of his mother still weighted heavy on him. He saw so much of his mother in his Rhaena. But Rhaena was more Visenya than Rhaenys.

Rhaena was a gentle soul, but gods forbid if one dared to cross her, much less betray her.

"The Weirwood tree will grow to be a place of comfor-" "why are you here?"

Aenys was shocked "What do you mean brother?"

"You could have sent a raven or an envoy but yet you came yourself, not alone at that I might say."

Maegor is right to be suspicious Aenys thought to himself , how could he expect Maegor to not question his presence here?

"I wished to deliver the good news myse—" Maegor again cut him off.

"Do you take me for a fool?"

How dares he?! Maegor thought To come here after all these years and pretend as if the past eighteen years... no, ever since the day he moved back to red keep for the sake of his marriage to Ceryse, his marrige, his life and even his son! Casted aside because of this pathetic weakling! And now he sits here and pretends NONE of those has ever happened!

Aenys could swore that his eyes were glowing, he had only seen that look in Visenya's eyes.

"I..." Aenys stuttered.

"You what?!!!" Maegor nearly yelled.

Aenys dropped his head in shame "I missed you brother..." Aenys whispered, embarrassed.

Maegor knew not what to say.

"We are brothers Maegor, yet as long as my memory serves, you not once have called me brother, or even by my name." Aenys said lowly, wounded. "I know father has not been fair to you. Not you and your son. But I wish for us to be... close."

Maegor wished to tell him to fuck off but... he couldn't. Why? Was it because he didn't wish anyone to hear him yell at this hour of the wolf? Or was it... because that he wanted... a brother.

Maegor's face softened "How do we do that, Aenys?"

Aenys was speechless. So was Maegor. So they sat in silence. Until Aenys broke the silence.

"How long has it been since you saw your mother brother? Six month?"

"Yes, she had come to see my son but he had been away." "She did not know of his absence?" Aenys asked shocked.

"No, she was not aware of his absence."

"Surly she wanted to see how much he had grown." Aenys smiled softly "All the more reason for their reunion to be sweeter. You have raised a fine young man Maegor."

"There are days that I wonder how it would have been if I had a daughter." A small smirk formed on Maegor's face. Aenys was sure that Maegor was talking to himself.

"A daughter? Why a daughter brother?"

"They say a man must love his son more but a son can resent his father, even if the very heaven itself demand the son to not." Maegor placed his elbows on his knees and looked in the fire place " I know..." Maegor whispered to himself.

"Well, Daemion is as pretty as a girl." Aenys joked, in a poor attempt to lighten his brother, to which Maegor remained silent.

While looking at his brother, not knowing what to say, Aenys's attention caught a large black figure in the sky flying.

"Is that the wild dragon? The one that feasts on dragon eggs and younger dragons?!"

Maegor turned his head to watch outside of the window.

"That's Modread." Maegor answered "perhaps "The Cannibal", that's what residents of Dragonstone call that dragon, has already flown to Kingslanding to burn it to the ground."

"He has grown." Aenys said impressed. "He's nearly as large as Dreamfyre despite his young age."

"A dragon is only as strong as his rider, Aenys"

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