Ch 3: a new soul?

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Y/n pov:

After we seen Betty's soul dadster decided too look around for it and sans helped a bit i on the other had... was more worried than anything... I had a bad feeling my anxiety was growing worse and I didn't know what to do something was telling me that something was coming but I put that aside cuz frisk has a big day ahead of her and I didn't want to ruin it I didn't go with them cuz I was more focused on what's coming. My father noticed how anxious I was and asked if I was alright but I told him I was fine. Thanks to sans I'm good at lying and hiding things but now I've been sitting outside of the place and listening in and I heard about what was being said they questioned about how the barrier was destroyed

Y/n: Fuck this is bad is miss Jessica finds out everything's ruined... and if she finds out I know shits going even farther down hill... they weren't prepared for this.

I looked inside and seen frisk and miss Jessica frisk looked worried but miss Jessica was crying and had a face of anger she lashed out screaming but I left not wanting to see the rest so I went home and I saw dad watching the tv seeing what happened and Betty on the couch sleep... the feeling came back... I was anxious something kept telling me to get out of there I got my fathers attention and he noticed my look of anxiousness and I mouthed the words "don't let your guard down" and I left going to my little mountain area and I practiced till night


Y/n: something's gonna happen I can't let my guard down for a single moment especially with her around... maybe... chara was right... maybe these anomalies these... glitches... aren't done yet... and frisk destroying the damn reset button is the biggest mistake... and the worse part is... knowing miss Jessica she's gonna go out for revenge... but how will she do it...

[next day]
3rd pov:

Y/n walked outside his room after hearing the conversation frisk gaster and betty were having

Y/n: I'll be coming with you too...

They all turned towards him in his (your outfit choice idgaf)

Frisk: alright let's get going

Y/n: so I'm guessing since she already met sans and prince fluffy they tagging along?

Frisk: yep and she's gonna meet sone very great

As she said that she gave a wink and y/n knew who she meant but betty was still confused

[timeskip to when they meet up with them]

Y/n introduced his older brother papyrus to betty while sans and asriel just got here and they leave out arriving where mettaton wanted them to and  they see a crowd around him when Betty sees him she starts fan Girling and rushes over there and sans asks how they met Betty as frisk starts to explain they all hear a loud sound and look back seeing a Crain moving

Asriel: I thought the construction was finished why is the Crain moving?

Sans: wait where's papyrus?

After seeing it frisk yells sans he says got it and stops the metal beams struggling to hold it while frisk gets people outta the area but y/n is trying to find out what the feeling he's getting is but sees a white light looking at it and sees a white beam flying at sans as it hits him and he stops using his magic y/n looks at the metal beams and rushes over to try and stop it but he's to late...

[time skip to when they're in the house]

Frisk is sitting there zoned out and y/n is sitting against the wall his hair covering his eyes and he doesn't make a sound sans continuously calls for frisk but she's not responding

Sans: Frisk! You got any ideas to sort this out?

Frisk: uhm... I'll hear everyone else's ideas first...

Asriel: papyrus said he was at the crane because he saw a little girl asking for help. After doing what she said he felt dizzy and passed out.  Now... sans got attacked by something, and it nullified all his powers. How are you feeling by the way?

Sans: it's coming back slowly. By tomorrow, I should be fine.

Asriel: I'm glad, Now, I have this idea... I know papyrus would never do something like that... so... maybe if we get access to the AMD cameras we could find something we haven't seen?

Sans: that sounds nice, you and I could go do that and frisk and y/n can go with their idea... so what is it?

Frisk: Oh yeah... I was... uh. My idea... I wanted to... W-what if we can find a way to RESET? We would prevent all this mess

Sans: what?

Frisk: If I can start over, things would be better! Maybe the timeline is not glitched enough to get erased with a reset I could-

Sans: stop. right. there so aside from being selfish, looks like humans also have a really, really poor memory

Asriel: sans...

With this y/n stood up and walked over to frisk grabbing them by the collar and looking at them with his right eye shining red and the other white

Y/n: no seriously, that's what you came up with? Your just gonna fall back on resetting the timeline when shit gets rough? You promised sans not to reset anymore... you didn't listen to me when I fucking warned you but now you wanna find a way to reset after BREAKING THE FUCKING BUTTON!

From the sudden outburst from y/n everyone was caught off guard but he holds out his hand summoning a red (your choice in weapons are gauntlet/knife/sword/scythe my bad for the ass choices) and holds it up to frisks neck

Y/n: you wanna break promises right? How about I break sans promise for him?

Asriel: y/n that's enough!

Y/n let's frisk go and desummons his red (weapon choice from earlier) and starts walking away as sans and asriel teleport away

Frisk: y-y/n I-

Y/n looks at her with a stare that pierces her soul leaving her still as he looks away and continues walking away

Y/n: I'm going to my fathers...

[with y/n]
Y/n pov:

As I arrived home I see my father reading something and I look at it with him as we were reading my anxiety became stronger and as we finished reading I ran off yelling

Y/n: I won't let this happen! Dad keep your guard up and never be to relaxed!

As I ran my soul showed it glowing bright as my right eye shined red

[even knowing your determination is incomplete and Betty can use it against you your still filled with DETERMINATION]

To be continued...

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