Chapter two

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"Amara!" Susannah's face lit up as I stepped out of the car. "My sweet Amor" she embraced me in the warmest hug. This was how my summers always started. Susannah would greet me with the best hugs to exist in the world, call me her amor and tell me the boys were already inside. I'd go inside to where the boys were sitting around, waiting for the rest of the crew. Our moms would disappear somewhere, sip some coffee and take an edible and do their best to act normal as if we couldn't tell.

"Go on inside, the boys should be in the living room. Belly and Steven will be here soon!"

"Okay!" I smiled at her. I have been waiting for this moment all school year. Junior year blowed but none of it mattered anymore. Matthew Rivera, the guy I had a crush on all year, didn't matter anymore. Susie Bowers, the schools it girl who has had it in for me since freshman year, doesn't matter anymore. Those preppy jersey girls didn't matter anymore. I was here, in cousins with my favorite people. That is the only thing that matters.

"Don't forget your bags baby" my mom calls out before I could take a few steps towards the house. Susannah waves for me to go on.

"Don't be silly, Nova, the boys will come get them!"

I looked back at my mom. She gave me a nod and I ran off towards the house.

"Connie! Jere!" I called out as I walked through the living room. The boys weren't there. Where were they?

I walked towards the kitchen but barely made it all the way in before someone snatched me right up. I close my eyes as I'm spun around way too fast for my liking, instantly making me nauseous. Two screams fill the kitchen.

"OH BRO SHE'S GOING TO THROW UP!" Jeremiah shouts, meaning Conrad was the one spinning me.

"OH NO" Conrad laughs, only going faster and faster. I don't know how the hell he did it without making himself dizzy.

"Connie put me down!! CONRAD!!" I yell. My feet finally hit the ground but I lose my balance as he puts me down too fast. His arm grabs onto my arm as he holds me up straight. My head was spinning. I felt like puking.

"As long as she doesn't throw up on me" Conrad says. I go to sit down. I make sure to shove past him on my way.

"You're such an ass" I say.
"Come on Mar, I didn't spin you that fast."
"Dude, you kind of did" Jeremiah says.
"Shut up, Jere." Conrad walks to the fridge. You wouldn't even know that it was a fridge because it hid behind two white cabinets. He walks over and places a water bottle in front of me. I lift my head slowly to look at him.

"Yeah. Just don't throw up all over the kitchen"
"Shut up." He snickers and takes a seat next to me.

"So, what's new?"

I bring the water bottle up to my lips. I take a few big gulps, keeping my eyes shut. My head wasn't hurting as much but it was still bothering me. "Umm, I finally applied to Stanford."

"Oh shit" Jeremiah takes the seat next to Conrad, smacking on some cheez it's. "That's huge."

"California huh." Conrad smiles, but there was another emotion behind it. It's like reality was sinking in. The one of us going off to college next year. Stanford was my top choice. I could see myself getting lost on the west coast...

"Yeah. It's crazy to think it's getting to that time. Well, for us" I point between me and Conrad. "Time for us to head off to college soon."

"I know" Conrad says quietly. "It feels like it was just yesterday we were 12 and dancing around the living room. Pulling pranks on everyone late at night. Driving our moms crazy. The birthday parties and the mess we'd make after."

The Way I Loved You | Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now