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"[Male Name]" = Someone talking
'[Male Name]'= Someone thinking


[Male Name] was sitting on his chair, spinning his pen on his hand while his other hand was rested on his chin. He sighs in boredom while his eyes was fixated in front of the classroom where his teacher stood. He turn his head to look at the back of the classroom and his lavender eyes met with blue ones, he then quickly looks away with a light blush on his cheeks.

But, oh how he wished that he and Luis has the same class so that it wouldn't be boring for him because usually he and Luis would pass papers with each other to pass the time.

Meanwhile, Levon chuckles softly when he caught his cute boyfriend looking at him. He eyes him for a little while and then return his focus back to their teacher who was still talking stuff about history and more.

A few minutes later the bell rang signaling that it was lunch time and [Male Name] silently cheer in his head. A tap on his shoulder brought him back to rreality. He looks up to meet blue eyes staring at him.

"Let's go" Levon says rather coldly but [Male Name] knew better "Mhm!" He hums and grabs his lunch box from his bag and they both walk out of the classroom and going to the rooftop.

"Took you both long enough!" Luis says sitting on one of the benches on the rooftop and beside her was another girl with red hair, pink eyes and had a light lipstick on, she was also wearing glasses.

"It has only been 5 minutes Luis" The red head said and Luis huff "Still too long" [Male Name] rolls his eyes and sat down next to her while Levon sat next to him.

"How was your classes?" Isabella asks her friends while taking a bite of her food.

"It was alright"



Isabella sweat drop at their answers, especially to a certain black hair girl. "By the way Levon, are you still going to my house after school?" [Male Name] asks the male beside him who was eating his own food.

"I'll see if I have time, the council has been busy lately due to a upcoming event" He says and [Male Name] felt a bit disappointed and sad but he shook it off. Luis couldn't help but perk at the word 'event'.

"There's an event? What kind?" She asks "We can't say, it's supposed to be a surprise" Isabella says after she finishes eating her meal. And Luis rolls her eyes at her playfully.

"Oh it looks like the bell is about to ring, lets hurry and finish" Levon says after he looks at his watch and the other two nod their head, quickly finishing their lunches.



Levon had been staring at [Male Name] since the start of class.

Levon, [Male Name], Luis and Isabella always eat their lunch at the school rooftop.

Levon also felt sad about not being able to come to [Male Name]'s house.

Isabella has a crush on Luis but doesn't know how to tell her.

Edited: 11/17/23

❛ 𝐉𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐘 ❜ ── 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ