3.Bite Him

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Meng Li was very happy to be licked by the woman. He was in high spirits, thinking to himself whether he should take advantage of today's recovery and find a clean woman to break his place.

Meng Li was thinking about what kind of woman he should look for to lose his virginity.



or both.

Just when he was thinking happily, Liu Xu under his crotch suddenly muttered, "Xiao Bai, you are a bastard, I hate you."

Then, she opened her mouth and bit Meng Li's crotch hard.

"Hmph..." The man who was enjoying himself suddenly let out a muffled snort.

Meng Li only felt pain in his crotch, and his hard dick immediately softened. "Damn it!"

He frowned, cursed in a low voice, and pushed Liu Xu away angrily.

Meng Li lowered his head to check his genital carefully. There was no bleeding, but there were two rows of very clear and deep tooth marks on the stem.

He gently kneaded it twice with his hands, but the dick was still soft and there was no response at all.

He returned to the state where he couldn't get hard again, and it could even be said to be more serious.

Meng Li was so angry that his face was livid. He put on a bath towel and immediately picked up his mobile phone to call the police.

damn it!

He wants to make this crazy woman who broke into a private house pay the price!

Fifteen minutes later, the police arrived.

Meng Li accused Liu Xu of breaking into a private house, molesting him and then intentionally hurting him.

Subsequently, the two were taken to the police station, and Meng Li applied for a medical examination and filed a case.

Liu Xu, who was drunk, was still in a fog and didn't know why she got into the police car. She was very quiet, not noisy, and let the police take her to the police station.

When she arrived at the entrance of the police station, she recognized the iconic badge on the main entrance and knew that this was a police station, so she asked the two policemen who were escorting her: "Uncle policemen, why did you arrest me?"

She was quiet all the way, and to be honest, the police were a little bit incredulous that she was a criminal.

However, many criminal suspects are pure and innocent in appearance, but they are doing things beyond conscience. Whether a crime is committed cannot be judged by appearance. They believe in evidence and facts.

Liu Xu was drunk, and the police asked her several questions, but she gave wrong answers.

In order to record a statement, the police gave Liu Xu some sober medicine.

Half an hour later, the medicine took effect and Liu Xu gradually woke up from the wine. After she regained consciousness, she scanned her surroundings and realized that she had been taken to the police station.

Looking at the two stern-faced policemen sitting opposite, Liu Xu felt a little apprehensive.

She turned her head and glanced at Meng Li, who was sitting beside her with a livid face, then turned her head again, looked at the two policemen in front of her, and asked weakly, "E..excuse me, what crime did I commit?"

Policeman A: "This Mr. called the police, saying that you broke into a private house, molested him, and then intentionally hurt him."

Liu Xu tried her best to recall what happened not long ago, from Qu Yang sent her back to the community, entered the elevator, opened the door, and what happened next, Scenes began to flash through her mind one by one.

Thinking of the scene where she put the penis of a strange man in her mouth and licked it, Liu Xu's ears twitched, and her face flushed red.

She took out her key and put it on the table, and explained in a sly way: "I seem to have gone to the wrong floor and opened the wrong door. I didn't mean to break into this gentleman's house."

Wrong floor?

The two policemen looked at each other and began to question them.

Policeman A asked Liu Xu, "Where do you live, lady?"

Liu Xu replied, "801, Building 10, Huayuan Community."

Policeman B asked Meng Li, "Where do you live, sir?"

"Room 901, Building 10, Huayuan Community."

Policeman A asked Liu Xu again, "Madam, are you sure you opened this gentleman's apartment door with your own key?"

Liu Xu nodded: "Yes."

Meng Li didn't believe it, he glared at Liu Xu: "Absurd, how could your apartment key open the door of my apartment? crazy woman, don't lie, you must have trespassed on purpose. Its a Residential crime."

Police B reassured Meng Li: "Sir, don't get excited, we will go back to conduct a test after we inquire clearly."

Police A asked Liu Xu again: "This gentleman said that you molested him after entering the house, and then biting his lower body, is it true?"

Liu Xu lowered her head in shame, and said, "I was drunk at the time, I thought I had returned to my home and thought this gentleman was a friend I knew. I thought it was in a dream at the time, biting someone would not hurt in the dream, so I bit him..."

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