Chapter Twelve - It Would Have Been Fun

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"You said 'I love you' to each other on the first date?!"

Taylor blushed furiously, more than she already had been while giving Abigail most of the details of her date with Karlie. "Only kind of! We said we think we love each other. I don't know, it was so romantic! The sun was setting and we were at the peak of the Ferris wheel all alone. How could we not say it?"

Abigail laughed. "You're such a stereotype. I would make a joke about you moving in together, but you're literally roommates. What next, then? Marriage?"

The light-hearted banter was definitely something Taylor missed from her best friend. Taylor rolled her eyes and twirled a strand of hair on her finger. "Don't be silly! She only asked for a mood ring, not an engagement ring."


The blonde giggled and laid back on her bed, staring at the ceiling. "I don't know, Abs. I know it's not like I have a lot of experience with this sort of thing, but Karlie... She's special. She's beautiful, smart, and so so talented. She's very confident, she's exactly like the kind of person I wish I was. I swear, she commands any room she walks in. All eyes on her."

"She sounds amazing," Abigail responded. "I hope I get to meet her someday."

"Me too," Taylor told her honestly.

Being with Karlie, even if it had only been a few days since their date, made Taylor feel more confident in herself. Taylor's parents already loved Karlie from what Taylor had told them, though admittedly, she had left some details out, and Taylor definitely cared for Karlie in a way that was massive. She wanted to be with Karlie so badly, and it seemed Karlie felt the same way.

Taylor didn't like the staring, and she figured she might not be ready to be out to the public, but maybe... Maybe she could at least tell her family. For Karlie, so that they could at least be a little normal. Karlie deserved that.

"She said she was okay with me being in the closet, but I know her. She was disappointed when I told her I wanted to keep it a secret," Taylor continued. She sighed. "I don't want her to feel like I need to hide her. That's not true, I just want to hide myself."

"I'm sure she understands, Taylor. She's not straight, either."

"But that's the thing," Taylor groaned. She tugged on her hair. "She's out to everyone. She doesn't hide it, she wears pins with the bi flag and has rainbows on her helmet and I'm pretty sure I've seen some... interesting stickers on her notebooks. I don't want to push her back into the closet, but I don't want to lose her, either."

"Taylor, you're overthinking it! As usual." Abigail let out a short laugh, instantly calming Taylor down a bit. "You already talked to her about it, and she said it was okay. Obviously, it's normal to feel a little disappointed about not being open with your partner, but if she wasn't into it, she wouldn't be doing this for you," she pointed out. She... had a bit of a point. "Don't feel bad about it."

"I'll try," Taylor promised. She stared at the ceiling and licked her lips anxiously.

"Good, because I know how you get when you start overthinking." Taylor could practically hear Abigail's eyes rolling through the phone. "You freak out and spiral and start to think the worst, and then it's impossible to bring you back."

While it was a bit harsh, Taylor knew Abigail said nothing but the truth. She'd always been like that, honest even when it was a little brutal, but that's why Taylor liked her so much. "You're right, and I'm gonna try to stop the overthinking at the source. I think I'm gonna come out to my family when I go home for Thanksgiving. At least, I'll tell them about Karlie. That's one step closer to being fully out."

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