Chapter Eleven - You Can Hear It In The Silence

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"It'll be fine. It'll go great! Just breathe, relax. It'll be okay."

Taylor exhaled slowly, staring at her reflection in the mirror. She gripped the basin tightly, trying to calm down her beating heart. Honestly? She felt like she might throw up, and she didn't really have a good reason.

"It's just a date," Taylor whispered, nodding at her reflection. "You'll be fine. You know Karie, it'll be just like you're hanging out!

"Except for the fact that it's a date, and it's different than just hanging out," she argued with herself. Stupid Mirror Taylor. She always made sense. More sense than Real-Life Taylor. She sighed and turned around, facing away from the mirror. Taylor leaned against the sink and ran her fingers through her still-hot hair. At least she had managed to straighten her hair before freaking out. A half-straightened head of hair would just ruin everything!

A knock on the door nearly made Taylor jump out of her skin.

"You okay? We should get going soon."

Taylor shook her head sharply, trying to dispel her nerves. "Yeah, sorry. I was just finishing up getting ready. I'll be out in a second!"


Shit. Taylor smacked her head a few times, smoothed out her shirt, and opened the door. Karlie stood on the other side, dressed in dark blue jeans and a white T-shirt under her usual leather jacket. Somehow, she made the simple outfit look elegant. Taylor blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. "Hey."

Karlie grinned and held out her hands, placing them gently on Taylor's arms. "Hey. Wow, you look amazing!" She looked Taylor up and down. She had decided to wear a pair of light gray skinny jeans and her favourite Eagles shirt, figuring that maybe she should keep it casual for their first date. She still put on her favourite red lipstick, though.

"Thanks," Taylor muttered, unable to keep a smile off her face. "You look awesome, too."

"Pshh," Karlie scoffed, waving her hand dismissively. "I just wore what I always wear."

"Yeah, and you always look awesome," Taylor teased, managing to look up at Karlie.

Karlie rolled her eyes, but the blush on her face was evident. She handed Taylor a thick denim jacket. "Come on, let's get going. I know you're nervous to ride with me but I promise you'll be okay."

With a sigh, Taylor followed Karlie to the entrance. She put on the jacket, which was a little big on her but it smelled like Karlie, and picked up the black and red helmet which, thankfully, fit her pretty well. She was definitely not excited to get on a bike, but she trusted Karlie. Plus, Karlie swore she'd ride carefully. They didn't have another way to get to Coney Island, anyway.

Taylor walked behind Karlie, taking hold of her outstretched hand. Even when the weather outside brought a chill to Taylor's skin, Karlie felt warm. She met her gaze and blushed as they walked down the sidewalk, hand in hand.

One thing Taylor had loved about the walk to Cara's house was just how lively it always was. Sure, Manhattan was a concrete jungle, but there were always people. For some reason, though, the streets that led to Cara were full of life. Food vendors, buskers, young couples, students, families, and everyone in between filled the sidewalks. It was something Taylor still had to grow used to, but she was definitely a big city girl at heart. She smiled at everyone who looked at her, and most of them smiled back. Those who didn't were met with a scowl by Karlie's towering presence.

More than once, Taylor had found herself shrinking into Karlie's side but every time, Karlie squeezed her hand in reassurance. It worked, it always worked. It quelled Taylor's beating heart, even by just a smidge. She was nervous, the thought of getting on a motorcycle and riding a half hour away with only the most beautiful girl in the world being the only thing she could hold onto wasn't helping. But, then, she'd look at that beautiful girl, and it was like all her fears melted away.

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