Chapter Nine- Nothing safe is worth the drive

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Rain pattered gently against the window, October rain and the autumn chill definitely calling for sweater weather. Clad in a knitted jumper, Taylor fiddled with a song, plucking guitar strings and humming in an attempt to get it just right. She'd felt inspired as of late, even despite the negative emotions she'd felt, but the conversation she'd had with Karlie the day before had sparked something inside her.

The general idea of the song had, if she was being honest, been born when she still lived with Dianna, but recent events had inspired her to try again and let it be seen in a new light. She strummed softly, figuring out the chords as she went along.

"Put your lips close to mine, as long as they don't touch," she sang warmly. A part of her would always think of Dianna whenever she worked on the song, but maybe that's what she needed to get closure. Now, though, she could only think of Karlie whenever she wrote lyrics or strummed her guitar. For better or for worse, Karlie seemed to inspire her in a way that Dianna never had. It was almost as if Karlie somehow fit into the lyrics she'd already written. "Out of focus, eye to eye 'til the gravity's too much. And I'll do anything you say if you say it with your hands. And I'd be smart to walk away," she closed her eyes, imagining a familiar pair of green pools, "but you're quicksand."

She stopped strumming and clicked her tongue. That was the lyric. She'd tried different rhymes before; right-hand, island, last stand. Quicksand was the best, and she wasn't even sure why it had come out of her mouth, but it was true. Taylor was trapped in her feelings, and the more she tried to stop, the more she fell. Quicksand. She took her pen and scribbled the new lyric in her notebook, happy to have at least resolved the first verse. She kept strumming, playing through the chorus she had long since worked out. It was short but effective.

"I can't decide if it's a choice getting swept away. I hear the sound of my own voice, begging you to stay." She paused, not happy with how that sounded. Begging was too desperate, and this song wasn't the right place for that. "Asking you to stay. All we are is skin and bone, forced to be alone. Forever swimming with the flow, but you're friction."

She paused again, once again dissatisfied with how that sounded, but Taylor wasn't quite sure how to fix it. She sighed and strummed lazily, playing with chords as she thought. Her fingers plucked the strings as she hummed the song from the beginning, reading over her first draft lyrics of the full song.

Taylor furrowed her eyebrows and put the guitar to the side. She picked up her phone and looked at the time. It was nearly eight and the sun was setting, its last crepuscular lights bathing the city in a beautiful, stormy weathered hue. She looked out the window at the darkened city streets, wet with rain water yet still full of people with umbrellas.

She wondered how Karlie was doing. Taylor wriggled on top of her bed, knowing that Karlie had gone to see Josh to do something incredibly difficult. And for what? For her? It sounded like a perfect idea last night in the heat of the moment when she could still feel the tingle in her entire body from having Karlie's lips on hers, but now she just felt... guilty.

Guilty and tingly, because she kissed Karlie.

Or more accurately, Karlie kissed her but that was a matter of semantics. It only happened because Taylor tried to kiss her while drunk in the first place. The Almost Kiss, as Karlie called it. Taylor couldn't believe how much she let that upset her, especially since it ended well.

All's well that ends well, Taylor mused, though she couldn't get the uneasy feeling of guilt out from the pit of her stomach. Did that mean that she and Karlie would be together? They both admitted feelings for each other and even if it was just the right thing to do, Karlie had decided to end things with her boyfriend. But that was all because of Taylor. So, would they date now? Or would it be a more casual thing? Or would it be nothing at all?

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