Chapter Fourteen - The Sight That Flashed Before Me Was Your Face

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Taylor's eyes snapped open, her world still slightly spinning as she sat up. She groaned and put her hand over her stomach, trying to push back the nausea that had woken her up.

"What time is it?" she mumbled to herself, looking around for her phone. She swallowed the saliva building up in her mouth and pushed back her stiff hair, regretting not having washed out the gel and hairspray from her costume. "I'm a fucking mess."

Her hand patted her bedsheets, finally hitting the hard surface of her phone. Groggily, she brought it up and squinted at the brightness. 3:47. Taylor frowned and rubbed her eyes, still trying to adjust to the darkness. "Karlie?" she tried, assuming her roommate had made it home.

When there was no response, she turned her phone screen around to light up Karlie's half of the room, but it had been exactly as Karlie had left it before they had gone out. Taylor cocked her head and stood up, the alcohol still clearly in her system. She took a balancing step and slowly made her way to the switch, turning on the light above.

"What the hell?" Taylor glanced back down at her phone, but she had no new notifications. She couldn't even remember when she'd finally fallen asleep, so there was no saying how long she'd been out, but she had gotten home at least two hours ago, probably closer to three, so where was Karlie?

Worry started building inside her chest, but Taylor tried to shake it away, rationalizing that maybe Karlie had been too upset to come home. She probably stayed over at Cara's, then.

But Taylor couldn't quite convince herself of that. She fiddled anxiously with the sleeve of her shirt as she realized she hadn't really taken off her costume yet, apart from the accessories and makeup. She just looked like she was wearing really old clothes.

But that didn't matter. She should probably try calling Karlie to see where she was, and if she happened to wake her up and make her cranky, well, she was already mad. Taylor opened her contacts and clicked on her name.

Kar <3

A picture of Karlie with her tongue out filled the screen. She looked incredibly cute, the picture having been taken before she got her piercings done. Taylor put the phone up to her ear and listened to the ring once. Twice. Thrice.

Hi, you've reached Karlie. Shoot me a text or leave a voicemail if you're old-fashioned like that.


Taylor hung up before she could leave a message. Okay, Karlie probably had her phone on silent because it was the middle of the night. She'd try Cara next. It rang once. Twice. Thrice.

Hey, it's Cara. If you're hearing this I'm either out on a ride or I don't wanna talk to you. Leave a message but I can't promise I'll listen.

Taylor hung up before it even had the chance to beep at her and rolled her eyes. She almost wanted to laugh but she didn't even have the gall to do that.

"It's fine, Taylor, just relax," she whispered to herself, slowly padding over to the bathroom. She leaned over the sink and stared at her reflection. "It's nearly four in the morning and you have class tomorrow. Karlie's at Cara's. It's fine. They're just sleeping."

She stood in silence, staring into her own blue eyes, trying to convince herself. Taylor was frazzled both mentally and physically, and still clearly not fully in her right mind after downing the better half of her bottle of whiskey. There was no calming herself down, and she could feel the anxiety turning her stomach over again. She gagged and put her hand over her mouth, slowly regretting her choices.

Well, one way to feel better was just to let it out. Pathetically, Taylor let herself empty her stomach into the toilet, feeling both better and worse as her body heaved. She groaned and rolled over once she was done, pushing the handle on the toilet and taking several deep breaths to steady herself. Taylor leaned against the wall and cursed inwardly.

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