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Islam simply means submission to the almighty Creator. Now the question is, 'Who is the almighty Creator?'

Allah describes himself in the Quran (Page 374, chapter 112) just like this: "He's Allah. One and indivisible. Allah, the sustainer needed by all. He has never had offspring. Nor was he born. And there is non comparable to him."

So this is what we Muslims believe to be the description of the almighty creator. He's alsolutely one. He can't be divided into parts. Also he is needed by everyone and he doesnt need anything.

He never had an offspring. As Muslims we believe that we are children of Adam and Eve which are known as the first human beings. We do not believe that we are the children of God. We believe that human beings can be born. But we believe that the Creator is far superior than us in every way, shape or form.

So now the question is 'How does the Creator communicate with the creation? We believe that the Creator created the messengers and prophets in order to guide mankind. We believe one of the first messengers of God is known as Adam. We believe Islam began with Adam. And ended with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). As we said, Islam means simply submission to God. So human beings have had a choice for many years since the beginning of time. Either you chose to submit to God, or you chose to rebel against the God. It's completely up to you.

Islam is pure Monotheism. We worship God and God alone without any partners. There is no Trinity in Islam. We dont believe in the concept of Trinity. We also believe in Jesus just like Christians. We believe Jesus is the Mesiah. We believe Jesus is the son of Mary. We believe Jesus is going to come back in the second coming. And we believe he showed many miracles. We have alot of common with fellow Christians. But we do have disagreements as well. And the reason why is, because there is another Prophet that came after Jesus. Which is known as the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) . He's known as the number one most influential man in history. If you type on google 'Who is the number one most influential man in history?' , you will see the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) as number one in the list.

And then the Quran is the final Revelation that came from the final prophet of God. And we believe that at the time of Jesus there was a gospel given to Jesus. But after Jesus was no longer with us now the gospel is according to Paul, according to Matthew, according to John, according to Luke... Its not the same Gospel that Jesus had anymore. So we believe the teachings of Christianity are not based on the teachings of Jesus. It is based on the teachings of Paul etc...

Quran claims to be the direct orders of God. The Bible claims to be the inspired words of God, from people who are not prophets. So if you look at the history of mankind when we listen to prophets they come with miracles, they prove that they are prophets of God. When someone says something 'Oh follow me im listening and getting a message from God' but if you dont prove that you are a prophet of God (like doing miracles etc), it wont count as words of a real prophet.

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