Ep. 3.22 (R) - This Is Not The End - End of Episode 3

Start from the beginning

All the noise from the scuffle brings Tabul out of the office, but before Tabul can shift into his wolf form to help Serik, there's a blur of motion from the rafters as Farid drops down hard on Tabul, toppling him to the ground.

They immediately begin wrestling -- Tabul getting the upper hand by using his size to roll Farid over and pin him to the floor.

Within seconds, he's got his hands wrapped tightly around Farid's neck and he begins to choke him... hard.

Clutching onto Tabul's arms, Farid gasps desperately for air, his arms flailing wildly as he struggles to breathe. But just as he's about to lose consciousness, he manages to slip his hand through Tabul's arms, reach up, and latch on to Tabul's throat -- his fingers digging into the tendons of Tabul's neck.

Tabul's head flops back, the whites of his eyes now showing. And in less than a minute, he passes out, collapsing on top of Farid.

With a grunt, Farid shoves Tabul's limp body off of him, and then rolls over and gets up onto his feet.

He looks over to see Patrick, who's now got Serik pinned to the floor and watches as Patrick lifts his big bear paw and presses it down on Serik's muzzle, holding him still and cutting off his air just long enough for Serik to pass out too.

Panting harshly, Farid walks over to a tower of wooden pallets hiding Patrick as he shifts back into human form and quickly get dressed.

With both Shifters now neutralized, Farid and Patrick nod at each other and heads towards the warehouse office to set Aidan free.


Inside the office, Farid wrestles with the zip ties restraining Aidan's hands behind his back while Patrick stands before Aidan frowning.

Letting out a tired, yet highly relieved breath, Patrick reaches out and gently cups Aidan's chin, turning his face to expose the welt still evident on his cheek from the slap Serik had given him.

A low growl rumbles in Patrick's throat at the sight of it. "What did they do to you?"

Aidan puts a brave face on, swallowing the fear he's been feeling for the past hour. "Ah, it's nothin'." He laughs unconvincingly as he gently pulls his chin from Patrick's grasp, "They tried to get me to release some evil demon spirit of theirs from this statue," he scoffs. "They're off their nuts if they think they could get me to do something like that! And you know what? I didn't give in an inch... not an inch."

Patrick cracks a smile and places a firm hand on Aidan's shoulder. "I'd expect nothing less."

Aidan beams back at him, proud to be doing his part for the team.

Meanwhile, Farid huffs in frustration at the stubbornness of the zip ties. He rifles through a desk looking for scissors when he suddenly remembers he's already got what he needs.

He lifts up his leg and slips out a small knife concealed in a narrow sheath inside his leather boot. With the knife, he cuts the ties.

Aidan stands, relieved, and rubs his tender wrists. "So, where's Maximus?"

"Uh... we left him to guard the car," Farid informs him. "Actually, he's the one who led us to you."

Aidan's smile widens. "That sounds about right. That's my Maximus." He beams.

As the boys exit the office, they head down the hallway and turn a corner only to bump into Stephen.

Stephen stops dead in his tracks, his face scrunching up in confusion as he tries to figure out how the hell Aidan got himself free. Then his gaze slides to Patrick and his eyes go wide. He sucks in a sharp breath. "Patrick?" he says.

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