Chapter thirty one 🥀

Beginne am Anfang

" he missed you lot Jungkook even you isn't believe it what I'm saying for you ..

Please go to his penthouse and see it from yourself..
I'll tell to Namjoon for taking you to there .."jin sadly Said to other and frustratedly exhale .

" Then tell him to don't make me cry anymore hyung .. please tell him to open his eyes .

I'm not going to comb your hair in this day because you are so bad ..

Why you still closing your eyes.. open them and look at me ...
Don't you  want to see me that much Ah ..?
Do you want to go away from you again..? "
Jungkook cried again and again , but only silence room , his voice of cries and beep sound of Taehyung's heart beating rate monitor sounds echoes in there while breaking down silent.

" you should stop crying for now Jungkook, you'll be can  faint again .. "
Jin while rubbing his hands and soothingly said .

With May difficulties Jungkook stop his cries and finally made his mind for went to his home and get a wash , but when he saw Taehyung's blood mixture with water , his mind again and again reminds him.

how Taehyung palely laid on the ground while closing his greenish ocean eyes .

How can Jungkook bare this much pain...
He knows Taehyung didn't know about his uncle's lies and even his mum's death also those things happened due to his uncle work and before Taehyung  get know the truth he ill treated Jungkook and broke up everything due to his revenge for one seconds ,

Exactly two of them correct at this point, because neither of them didn't know the truth of behind everything in their story.

" is it okay forgive for someone whom stayed as pretend his lover and that person accidentally fell in love while taking his revenge by mistakenly ?..

Is it okay holding hope for future with that person..?

Is it okay forgive him and saying love to him when I'll feel it to my deepest part of my soul and heart , even I carries our love.. ?"those thing's constantly barging into Jungkook's mind when he washes his body by cold water.


After two days ...

Sun rays quickly spread over into hospital room and it heavily covered up whom silently lays on top of the hospital bed while closing his eyes ,

But today is different than yesterday because after two days finally Taehyung try to open his eyes and try to move his hand, but before he opens his eyes fully.

his movements caught by Jin .

So he quickly rang up the bell to saying other he finally wakes up from his sleep.

" I need ... water...."
Taehyung with many difficulties said to other and tightly closed his eyes for protect his eyes from the burning sun rays.

Jin quickly made other bed properly and easy for him to drink water without any pain .

After two seconds one of doctor and nurse entered to his room and checked up his pressure and even his senses for concern about his everything,

" we thought you are not going to make it up... but we glad Mr Kim ..

You can discharge in this Friday, but until take care yourself and stay healthy.. okay because wounds are not still healing.."
Doctor gave medicine prescription to Jin and went out from there .

" how are you hyung..?
Where is Namjoon Hyung ..? And .."

" you dumb ass what did you think Ah? We got scared..? " Jin tightly wraps his hands around him and said to other , but he didn't hurts Taehyung's wounds.

" oh .. I'm okay see , but how is the Jungkook and Dosan ..

Did they discharge..? "
Taehyung quickly asked from Jin because he deprived to know about Jungkook.

" jungkook and Dosan is fine but I didn't know what happened to Dosan after this incident but .. Jungkook every day sit near to you and cried even sometimes we force him to eat and take a nap to his rest and health . "
Jin extra sadly said to other for see his reaction.

" oh .. I see..

So where is he now ..? "
Taehyung couldn't control himself with many curious questions so he quickly asked from other .

" what did he tell you..?

Did he marry to some other..? Or
Did he already have a one .."
But before Jin answered his questions Jungkook entered into the room while holding his big baby bump like a fluffy ball ,

When Jungkook sees other waked up, he couldn't stop his tears anymore because he is so much happier now, even his pregnancy hormones didn't help for him anymore to control his emotions now ,

Even at this point Taehyung didn't expect from other tight hug , but Jungkook couldn't help himself he quickly ran into other's arms and tightly hugged him while crying into his chest.

Finally Taehyung closed his eyes within many emotions and even his heart felt so much better due to other hug .

" I'm sorry Jungkook .."
After few seconds Taehyung open up his voice to other , while holding Jungkook tightly not caring about his wounds.

" no ..... I'm sorry.. too ..

Don't you think we both are stupid..."Jungkook while wiping his nose from his sleeves and asked from other cutely .

Taehyung lovingly and tenderly wiped his face and smiled to him .

" yeah .. we are , but you should be deserving many things in your life ., and even I'm so much happy for seeing you be happy with him.. "
taehyung holding his sadness to himself and told it other ,
But Jungkook frowned his eyebrows together and waited until he finished up his talking ,

At this point Jin knows Taehyung really fucked up with his words .. and even Jin wants to laugh at him when he sees Jungkook's face but he silently moved out from the room .

" ah ... ?
What the hell are you talking about Ah ..?
Whom exactly mentioned by him ..? "
Jungkook angrily asked from other and holds face into his palms .

" Dosan told me you married to him .. and.."
Taehyung cut by slap .. yeah Jungkook very mad at this point and even this Taehyung testing pregnant person nevers .

" why should I married him ah ..?
He is my friend and exactly he likes me but what should I do it I already have a one in myself..."

Jungkook didn't mean to say Dosan likes him , but his anger made those words came out from his mouth unintentionally.

" okay ...okay kookie that means you are not marrying to him .

And he likes , but you like someone., it didn't make any sense to me ..."

Taehyung while looking anywhere excepting Jungkook's eyes but his whole mumbling stopped when others plumped softer pair of lips kept on his tender lips,

After six and half months he finally taste other's cherries lips , even they having lot to say or talk and even decide, Jungkook thought to keep shut down this man's mouth for saying nonsense for seconds.

"You are the person I fell in love ....."


Until next chapter stay safe 💚💜
Let's enjoy Taekook lovely dovey time know ...
Do you like to see them without any problems or what ?
Thank you very much for the every feedback from everyone ♥️🥺

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