Chapter Twenty four 🥀

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Who we are now .....

Who we are now

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Taehyung side

After that day Taehyung went to deep  sleep for three days straightly, but during his sleep he only saw in his dreams his gorgeous smile and heard his smoothing voice.

When Taehyung try touch him . Even that presence evaporated from his side . It was kind a hard for to open his eyes from the same dream .

However in the third day in the evening he finally opened up his eyes.

Taehyung couldn't bare the sunlight rays so he slowly opened his eyes , but he couldn't speak anything, because he felt he needs to drink water .

Finally after three days Taehyung open his eyes even he moved his hand to get water from whom staring down to the newspapers covering his face,

Sudden rustling sound made Namjoon kept his newspaper away and silently looked at Taehyung's bed .

Yes , actually Taehyung finally opened his eyes, Namjoon quickly went near to his bed and buzzed the button for calling nurse for check up Taehyug .

After sometimes nurse and doctor came up to Taehyung's hospital room for check up his condition.

And even nurse helped him for getting up from his bed and drink water.

" how is he  now doctor? "
Namjoon without looking other face asked from the doctor for his condition, and even Taehyung eyes glued to his bedsheet cover , because after everything what he had done for himself,

Why should he want to see anyone else or talk about his problems with anyone now .

Huge heavy tears hang over his eyes with wobbling lips . He finally fear to show his vulnerability sight for others .

" He's fine now , but I have to give him another IV , then after that you can discharge him tomorrow morning".

While doctor connecting  to his cannula new IV and said to other , but Namjoon saw Taehyung's eyes heavy with tears and staring down.

" But Taehyung don't ever think to get high doses headache reduction for your body, because if you have that kind of headache please go for a check up and get proper treatment ,

Even now on you can't smoke or drink any alcohol for two weeks straightly ..

Take yourself seriously Mr Kim ."

Doctor went out of the room after huge lecture , but even minute Taehyung didn't show any kind of emotion for him or whom now standing in the middle of the room.


" Taehyung we need to talk ..?

Not about this situation, but tell me do you know Uncle Mick ? "

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