[21] More than a job

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His eyes stared into the small set of blue eyes that stared back curiously. They were a deep brilliant ocean blue just like her mother's, and frankly, he adored every second of seeing them.

Sabito delicately put the tip of his finger on her nose as he made a "boop" sound in a playful gesture.

Giyuu watched their child's reaction carefully as Sabito continued to mess around and play with her.

He had visited the prior four days in a row and stayed with them for many hours which Giyuu was immensely thankful for.

He had also brought books and small items from their home to make her stay a bit more bearable in the meantime while she rested and recovered.

Giyuu observed silently as he continued to lightly play with their daughter before he stuck out a finger and patiently waited.

The two watched as the child sitting propped up in her lap reached up and grabbed onto his finger which sent a wide smile erupting onto his face.

"Look look! She likes me." Sabito proclaimed sounding somewhat jubilant.

"Just not when I hold her." He said a little less triumphant but still proud at finally not making Namiko cry upon the slightest bit of physical contact.

"Yes yes dear" Giyuu agreed with him as she remained seated upright in the bed watching them closely.

"She threw up this morning." Giyuu said plainly looking down into her lap with an expressionless face.

Sabito's happy expression immediately paused as he looked at Giyuu with a small look of concern. He continued to let their daughter mess around with his finger as he stared at his wife.

"What? What happened?" He said visibly looking a bit worried before Giyuu let out a small sigh.

"We don't know, but from what Kocho-San said to me, we believe she was just a bit too gassy after eating."

"Kocho-San told me to pat her back more after she eats to make sure things like that don't happen again." She finished her explanation with a sheepish smile.

"Oh, ok." He responded with not much thought put into it as it was presumably inconsequential.

"And how has it been going? I know I can't be here ever waking moment so I'm definitely missing out." Sabito said hiding his annoyance at missing on his precious father daughter time.

"It's been good, the food they're giving me is a bit bland, you know how it is."

Sabito could only nod in understanding, he remembered the taste or lack there off from the food they served here. The memories of his time spend in rehabilitating after he first awoke and the bland tasting food were all to familiar to him.

"And has she been fine?" Sabito said stopping his little finger antics with Namiko as he sat back down in his chair.

"She's feeding well besides the incident this morning, and she sleeps a lot too." Giyuu commented sounding a tad bit surprised on the second part.

"Oh and, Kocho-San told me that-"

"Which one? The small one, or the big one?" Sabito asked for clarification.

Giyuu giggled slightly to herself before answering.

"The little one." She clarified with a smile that Sabito couldn't help but adore.

"She said that once my week is up that I can go home. But she warned me to be delicate and.... well... not to do, "certain marital things" with you until I get better." She said with an awkward pause as she somewhat looked away from him out of embarrassment.

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