[3] Two lives, One mystery

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"Kyojuro-San, what exactly happened between Tomioka-San and the others?" She asked curiously.

The flame pillar stopped eating his meal as he straightened himself up.

"You really want to know?" He said a bit more serious than his usual lighthearted tone.

"Well.... I just want to know so I know why you warned me to stay away." She said telling the truth.

"If you insist." He said very seriously.

Mitsuri gulped, it had to be something crazy for even Rengoku to be like this.

"I wasn't a pillar back then but I heard many differing rumors, I later confirmed a few of them with the others after I was promoted."

"What kind of rumors?" Mitsuri asked setting down her chopsticks as she stopped eating.

"She's killed people."

Mitsuri's expression changed to something more akin to a look of conflicting emotions.

"How is she in the Corps then?" She said in the same low voice.

"She caused people to die, I heard a few different rumors and the like but I didn't think they were true at first. I'm not one to believe such things until I see it myself, but, there was proof."


"You're a pillar just as I am, you also have access to many more "restricted" records the Crops keeps. Do you remember where the library I told you about is?" Rengoku asked.

"Yeah? The one in the headquarters, right?"

"Yes, that one, go there and ask to see the records about all the known upper moon encounters. It'll make more sense to read it yourself."

His words sounded a little ominous.

"She killed people? How? How is that related to an upper moon?" She wondered not understanding.

Sure enough, about a week later she received the opportunity to do so.

Mitsuri stepped inside the quint building, it was off to the side of the main headquarters building.

"Hello? How may I help you?" A elderly man's voice could be heard.

Mitsuri whipped her head around to see where that voice came from before spotting a desk and a singular man seated behind it.

He was an elderly man possibly in his sixties or more, but what was he doing here?

"I'm the librarian, I believe you are the love pillar I was informed of a little while ago?" He asked presuming who she was.

"Oh, yes, I uhhhh.... I came here to see something." Mitsuri said a little nervous.

The place wasn't big, but the many shelves sprawled around the entire length of the building for the most part. Each one lined with dozens upon dozens of books, records, or even old looking scrolls.

"Well what may I help you with young lady? Do not worry, all of these papers are backups anyways so feel free to check one out if necessary." He said in a friendly manner.

"Well actually.... I came here for something specific I believe you know about." She clarified.

"Specific? I know just about the location of every single thing in this building, what do you need? I'll go fetch it for you, I won't take long." He said getting up out of the seat.

"Do you have any records about... upper moons?" She asked a little more comfortably.

"We have only a few, many of them have been burned by accident or lost to time." He said in a sort of unfortunate tone of voice.

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