[7] His star, Her rising sun

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Giyuu lowered her weapon after striking the training dummy, she had been training since before the sun even rose, her sleep wasn't exactly great anyway. At least this would occupy some time for now until the meeting later.

But it wasn't enough, it was never enough, she huffed for air as she regained her breath.

How many of these things had she destroyed this morning alone? Maybe 40? 50?

No one was keeping track anyway.

She needed to be stronger, hit harder, to strike faster, but, no matter what she did, it only felt like she was just his shadow, a shadow of the pillar Sabito used to be.

He was stronger, faster, smarter, he was the sun that shined so brightly compared to her.

A sociable man who had done so much good for the bad hand life dealt him.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead before raising her blade again.

She needed to continue, Giyuu forced the blade into position as her limbs felt heavy.

She wouldn't dare quit now, not today, not on this day where she failed him.

(Flashback to 2 years ago)

"How many was that?" Sabito asked sheathing his blade.

"14" Giyuu responded with a small sigh.

"Dam, do they just keep coming? It looks like their numbers just keep increasing day by day." He said shaking his head before letting out a deep sigh.

"A dozen demons a day keeps the pillar away." Sabito said jokingly.

Giyuu smiled at his joke, even if it wasn't very funny.

"Tomorrow I have a meeting to attend to." He said plainly referring to the hashira meetings held each month.

"I heard we were supposed to get a new pillar." Giyuu commented.

"Yeah, I heard from Uzui-San, I don't know much but I think they use thunder breathing?" Sabito said trying to remember accurately off the top of his head.

"I'm not too sure how long their induction will take along with the total meeting but it may take a while." Sabito explained.

"I can wait outside." Giyuu said raising a small hand.

Sabito smiled softly at her before stepping over.

He patted her head before swiftly turning around and scanning the area.

"We've cleared this entire forest twice over, I think we're almost good to leave."

Sabito looked in a specific direction as he signaled for them to leave.

Giyuu followed along closely as the two ran out of the thick wooded area together.

After clearing the woods and returning to the poorly lit town they roamed the streets for more possible demons.

"We split up here, do one clean sweep and make sure none are still in the area, we meet back up here at sunrise." Sabito instructed.

Giyuu did as he said while also quickly leaving.

This place was big and could possibly contain a demon or two if they were hidden inside the town.

They had just spent two hours cornering and killing all the demons in the surrounding area so this was the last place they could be.

Every single back alley, unlit area, nook and cranny, they searched them all.

For a whole hour they quietly and secretly searched the entire town.

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