[15] Girl's day out

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Urokodaki read the letter from his former student with a softer than usual expression under his mask.

"So they want me to stand in for a parent at the ceremony?" He exclaimed to himself quietly almost allowing a smile to creep up onto his face under the mask.

In all his many years of life, all the suffering, all the dead, all the students who never returned. They were the only two, and he felt honored they would allow him the privilege of doing such a thing for their wedding.

The older man could almost chuckle as he thought back on it all. Even during their days training under him he knew they were close, but to think it took them this long to do such a thing, well.... that was very like his former students.

He scrounged around for a piece of paper to write a letter back with momentarily as the sounds of a boy swinging a sword repeatedly outside could be heard.

"207, 208, 209, 210, 211-"

The loud voice counting their swings as they went filled his ear as he started to write.

"It's in a couple weeks, that's plenty of time to prepare, I've never been to a wedding before, what should I do for them?"

There were many questions flying around his old head, but one stuck out to him the most.

"How have you two been?"

It was something he wrote down as he continued writing the letter, a small, inconsequential question that had his curiosity.

Ever since he'd learned of Sabito's reawakening from his comatose state and of Giyuu's situation and circumstances he had always had that lingering question stuck in his mind.

A simple "good" or "perfectly fine" would've sufficed, but all he wanted was confirmation that everything was going well.

After all, if a house hermit like him was going to get off this mountain of his and travel that far, well, he wanted both confirmation, and a good reason, and he already had one of those two things.
(Somewhere else with the love pillar)
"He said that to you?!?!" Mitsuri said doing her best to hold back her excitement as she didn't want to cause a scene while visiting.

"Yes." Giyuu responded quietly being a bit embarrassed.

"Wow, I didn't take him for being someone so direct." Shinobu commented almost a little surprised.

Kanae simply nodded along at her sister's assertion. She could only deeply understand that direct and forward approach to a loved one, after all, Sabito was in a situation somewhat similar to her own.

Finally being able to see the person you loved most after years, who wouldn't be as direct and straight to the point as possible after so much lost time?

She could only wish that could've been her with the man she once loved, but unlike Sabito, the actual dead simply don't arise or wake up one day perfectly healthy.

"Oh goodness, so how is everything going then? Do you have any plans?!?! Or are you two-"

"Don't bombard her, we barely get to see each other, I'd hope you'd at least give her the space to speak." Kanae cut off the rather overzealous Mitsuri.

"Sorry, sorry, I've just never seen a wedding in person, I've only ever gone to marriage arrangements or meeting."

"Wouldn't you need special clothes? Or an outfit? I'm sure you won't just wear your old uniform or any old clothes you can buy at a store." Shinobu asked curious as to see what they're plans were.

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