y/n tells

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Bella: we all want to know how y-you became like this.

They all looked at you waiting to answer.

Y/n sighed

Y/n: I guess I just started at the beginning when it happened.

Y/n sitting down on a chair

Y/n: as you all know me and Bella's mom had stage 4 cancer the doctors said she only had only mouths or maybe 1 year if we were lucky but as time went on she gotten worse I prayed and prayed as much as I could I begged God to help her(with a few tears coming down). That's when he came

Carlisle: who came

Y/n: I thought he was good Sumerian but know. It was the devil

Edward: what did he look like

Y/n: middle age man white hair dressed in all black and a cane with a clear skull

Bella:  what did you do

Y/n: h-he told me he could save your mother. He got out a contract and told me to make the deal and.

Jasper:  you made the deal didn't you

They all still looking at you

Y/n yeah,

Emmett: what was your end he made his end

Y/n: no he did not keep his end of the FUCKING DEAL. Steaming come off of you

Bella:  that's why she she looked like her that morning when we were kids  that was you but she died the next day.

Rosalie:  that's why you think you killed your mother

You nodded

Emmett: yeah but what was your end of this deal.

Y/n: at first he didn't tell me he told me I will have to wait. That's why ran to

Alice: keep Charlie and Bella self from you and him wasn't.

I nodded again

Y/n: after I ran I was so damaged and broken I started to breaking in liquor stores drinking my self to death or making me pass out , then the hunger I had to started stealing wallets by pick pocketing days turned weeks, weeks turns to months after that the blazes took me in gave me a job to ride with them and I took it. We became good friends I wished it could last but as the saying go good things must come to and end. Before I came back here in Forks a few mouths ago he came back with me end of the deal.

Emmett: what was your end of the deal.

Y/n: he sent me after black heart

Esme: who's black heart

Y/n his son he wanted to make earth the new hell.

That made them go over the  edge

Y/n: he made allies with the hidden

Bella: the hidden

Emmett: the hidden are some angels that the arcangle Michael casted out of heaven because they rebel against God they also live the the elements like air water Earth

They all looked at him dumb founded

Emmett: what I read

Y/n: he's right. When I first transformed I killed the earth element by rapping me chains around him turning him into stone then peddles after that the rider took me to a Cemetery thats were I met my teacher Carter Slade another ghost rider he trained me taught what I needed to know. I also meet a girl named Roxanne we were friends. Then my fight when to new York city to the air element that only left water and blackheart. Black hart then used Roxanne to get to me to find a contract to a town filled with evil souls damn that place. I went Carter for help and he did reading my final fight I killed the last of the hidden all that was left was blackheart. I showed him the contract I tricked him into letting go of her I then transformed into the ghost rider but in the end he got what he wanted he reader the contract and the evil soul there power him up but with that power of the souls he lost

Carlisle: how did he lose

Y/n:when he took the souls they were in his body and I can burn souls of the wicked it is called the Penance stare.

Alice: what does this penance stare do

Y/n: did you all see the way Jame's eyes were all black and not red

They nodded

Y/n: when I use the penance stare one a bad person killer I make them see the people the innocent people they killed and I burn their soul to go to hell. That's what I used to beat blackheart was the penance stare. After that blackheart went back to hell and I ended my deal the devil come back saying I could have my soul and life back but I told him I will come for his and make him pay.

Bella:  and the scars

I pulled my shirt up to make them see and now they known what Carlisle meet about your scars.

Y/n: the fights with them

You got up

Y/n: Bella if you hate me I'm sorry for what I did was for you and dad was wrong that I hurt you both just hope someday you will forgive me

Looking down

Then you feel a hig Bella was hugging you

Bella: I don't hate you I'm mad but I don't hate you.

Pulling away

Y/n: let's become a family wants more

Looking at the Cullens

Y/n: together

The end of movie one now to movie two new moon see you guys and girls next time.

twilight x ghost rider male readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon