fighting for control

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Y/n pov.
Y/n was walking down stairs for breakfast trying to forget what happened yesterday.

Flash back.

Charlie- Son please where did scars.

Y/n- Dad it's not a big deal.

Bella- yes it is first you run away doing God knows what and you come back with scars. I think it is a big deal.
End of Flash back.

After finishing up with breakfast I hear Dad and Bella talking to two people one man was in a wheelchair with a young man behind him

Then dad sees me.

Charlie- y/n you remember..... just before I beat him to it.

I walked to the young man and hugged me and Bella's childrenhood friend. With Dad and Bella watching

Y/n- it's so good to see you again Jacob and you to uncle black(N/b) how's you and the tribe doing.

N/b- we're going great and it's good to have you back son safe and sound. Your father and I are going to watch the game. And Jacob over just wad winning Bella's heart he won't stop asking to see her.

Jacob- thanks dad

Y/n sees a old looking truck

Y/n- what's with the truck.

Charlie- it's for Bella

Y/n- oh really well I that case Jacob show her how to use. I will see you at school Bella

Charlie- yeah you and Bella have a field trip and I have to go to a crime scene some man got attacked and killed by some animal.

Y/n thoughts- that's no animal dad and I hope you will be salf because whit ever it is still here and the rider wants out and our badly. I decided to ride my motorcycle to school.

At the field trip.

The students were walking down learning about worms and soil. Then I see Bella and Edward talking and go a little mad the way Edward is talking her.

Start at 00:11 end 01:19

I then feel a tap on my shoulder I turn around and see Alice.

Alice-so are you having fun.

Y/n- fun, I haven't had fun when I was the one to kill my own mother and fighting to stay alive.

Alice (with a sad look on her face) then said

Alice- why do you think you killed your mother.

Y/n- I-I rather not talk about it. It just brings more pint and just only me but to those are who are around me.

Alice- O ok.
She was about to leave but I grabbed her hand and said.

Y/n-" I know we don't know each other but I will say this thank you for doing this." I then smiled

She had a tent of red on her face and says.

Alice- your welcome. Then she leaves

When we got to the busses because the field trip was over. I see Bella and Edward talking but he was being a pain in the ass again. Then Alice shows up telling Bella is she riding with them but all changes when Edward said the bus was full, full my ass.

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