a old friend comes back from the dead

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Alice: So you're you this forever

y/n: Yeah, I'm not regretting what I have done.

Bella: None

Y/n: as first yes I wanted the nightmare to end, but over time, I see what people have done in his/her life on bringing hell to other people.

You get up from your seat walking to Rosalie.

Y/n- Rosalie - looking in her eyes, your eyes changed a fiery orange- when you were human, you were getting married, but your fiance and his friends raped you. She was shocked that you knew about this- then later down the road, you wanted revenge on the people that made your life a living hell, so you transformed into a vampire and killed them one by one.

Rosalie: How do you know all of this

Y/n: The rider can see the past of the victims when he looks at them in the eyes and sees if he/she will see another day and you Rosalie are innocent,

Tears came down her face  as she walked to you and hugged you, which you hugged her back

Rosalie- thank you y/n for everything.

Y/n : No problem, Rosalie

The two then booked the hug

Alice: So will you be leaving town protecting innocent people.

Y/n: Most likely

Alice was a little sad about this. Y/n noticed this and went to her. Y/n put a hand on one of Alice's cheeks.

Y/n: Don't worry, I can make a hellfire portal with my chains to come back here.

Y/n then pulled Alice into a heart-warming kiss that lasted about a minute, then pulled away from the lack of air.

Y/n: Oh, before I forget, I want to hold out one of your hands for me.

All of them were a little confused about what you said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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