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things take place after chapter 9

kuroo's been going crazy.

it's hard to focus on anything when your best friend is missing. his mom let him miss school for some time, but instead of staying home, he insisted on looking for kenma.  there wasn't really a point in it - there were so many places where kozume could be, and he didn't have any particular one coming into his mind. he tried calling many times, but everytime he was met with no signal, and everytime the worry he felt was making his stomach twirl.

everyone was trying to stay calm, but inside they were all asking themselves if the boy is even alive. kenma's mom used to came over in the evenings, spending few hours to talk with tetsuro's mom, and cry. maybe the dissappearance of her son was a wake up call she needed.

kuroo was in the kitchen, making himself a tea, when his mom rushed in, phone in her hand, and wide eyes.

,,they found him" she said, and it was enough for tetsuro to turn around so quickly that he threw the cup off the counter. the glass shattered around, along with the liquid spreading, but ms. kuroo just waved her hand at it. her son was too excited, catching her arms tightly and looking at her shocked. there were no words needed. ,,kenma's mom got a call a while ago, but she just had a moment to tell me. he's safe, at the hospital though, but he'll be allright" she reasurred.

tetsuro felt like a sack of stones got taken away from his back.

,,hospital?" he asked, frowning.

,,he overdosed... something. i don't know. someone found him unconscious and shaking, but he's stable now, just hadn't woken up yet. oh my god" she sat down, letting out a breath. she felt like it was her own child.

,,let's go" ravenette grabbed her arm, but she just shook her head.

,,it's late now. his mom is with him, he's in good hands, that's most important. we'll visit him tomorrow, allright?" she looked at him, and reached her arms for a hug, few tears coming down her cheeks. ,,i'm so happy"

kuroo had no words in his mouth, just nodding as he hugged his mom. he felt so relieved and glad to hear this. even his legs felt weak at this point.

that night, he couldn't sleep at all. neither did his mom, because he kept going up to her and asking if there's any news. at some point the woman just gave him his phone. but he fell asleep out of exhaustment, bright screen lighting up his room for a few more mintues.

when kenma woke up, it was nothing like in movies.

there was no one around him, no one to feel his hand move and notice his eyes open. his body felt so sore and everything hurt as hell. the weakness he felt made him not even move an inch, until a nurse came up into his room. only then he realized there were other patients in the room too. he locked his eyes on the woman, watching her talk to other patients. his eyes were too heavy to keep them open, so he closed them for a while. his body jumped up a little the second the nurse started checking something up in his arm. just then he noticed a needle poked in, connected to an iv drip.

,,oh, you're up! hello mister" she smiled widely, but kozume frowned. her words were so hard to make out. ,,no no, please try to stay awake for now, okay? we need to do some checkups, and then you can rest even more, allright? can you do this for me?"

she was so sweet, treating him better than his own mom. he nodded, or at least he thought he did, but he focused on staying awake just like the woman told him to. he didn't even realize when did she go out to call somebody else, and soon there were few more people around him.

,,quite an accident, huh? it'll be allright boy, don't worry" the doctor joked to loosen up the atmosphere, but once he saw the discomfort on kenma's face, he switched up. ,,it's a no judge place here, you know? we just want to help you. your mom should be here in a second, i was just talking with her"

a few mintues passed. kozume responded to some questions and finally moved inside the bed a bit. just then his mom came in, along with tetsuro and ms. kuroo.

,,please give us some more time, allright?" the doctor asked, but kenma managed to catch eye contact with all of them. kuroo must be mad, he thought. his mom probably thinks im such a ripoff. and my mom, yeah, she's just somehow here.

but, once the doctor came out, he got prooven wrong. everyone rushed in, relieved expressions on their faces.

,,baby!" his mom said, but it was kuroo who got to hug him first. kenma's hold wasn't strong, but he snuggled into his bestfriend's chest, as he was squishing him in.

,,i'm so sorry" kozume mumbled, and broke down in tears the second he felt ravenette's hand brush through his hair.

tetsuro shook his head, taking blondie's face into his palms. kenma's eye bags were dark and lips were cracked. he wanted to say something. please, don't be was pushing it's way through his tongue, but instead he just frowned, with tears in his eyes, and leaned in for a kiss. it was delicate, almost uncatchable, full of shyness and uncertainty. almost not like it was tetsurou, who always has been confident and bold, like if he didn't want to break kenma in any way.

ms. kozume's shocked gasp was heard in the back, but kuroo's mom just placed her hand on her back.

,,please stay for me"  was what kenma heard, and he could only nod, tears running down his face.

,,you're disgusting" he replied, and it made tetsuro's heart stop for a second. ,,i vomited so much and hadn't brushed my teeth yet"

sorry it took me so long haha
dedicated for this one person who really wanted to read this :) wouldn't make it otherwise

take care everyone,

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