I make a quick decision that I'm sure will get us what we're looking for. "We're going to hack into the city cameras. So this happened in Barcelona. We'll have some people hack into all the cameras in the city and try to track where they came from and where they went, to see if at some point we can get a face."

Alessandro sighs "Okay. I will call Alvaro." he says.

"No. There is no reason for him to know about this yet. Or involve him in any way. Whatever happens after this is what tells us if we should tell him." I explain and he immediately looks hesitant.

"Don't you think he should know we're going to hack into his cameras? We shouldn't even have to hack because he most likely will let us do it anyways." he argues but I shake my head no and raise my hand to cut him off.

"No, there is no reason to stress him about this issue yet." I say as I stand up and we make our way out of my office.

He sighs once more and follows behind as we head downstairs. "Matteo don't you think he should know that there is someone causing issues in his country?"

We both stop walking and I turn to him "We don't even know that there is an issue yet. There is no need to create a bigger deal out of it than it is." We exit the house and begin to head towards the nearest tech building.

"You of all people know what will happen if we don't communicate this with Alvaro. This job is stressful a lot of the time but it's the worry that protects us from causing any further damage." Aless argues for the last time and I am fed up already.

"Okay! Call him! Do whatever." I say. He pulls his phone out and begins to call Alvaro. I leave him alone to talk and a few minutes later I get a call from Allegra. "What do you want?" I answer the phone.

"I had news to give you and a question to ask you but call me back when you've put the fucking attitude down." She hangs up on me abruptly.

I sigh to calm myself and then call her again. She answers quickly and I start "Allegra-" But she interrupts me.

"What do you want?" She asks, repeating my words from earlier.

"Well played. But as I remember it, it's not me who needs anything." I said. She groaned and I could hear her keyboard in the background, her fingers working at full speed.

"Can you explain to me why Alvaro just sent me a file that it'll take me ten minutes just to get into?" She asks, a hint of annoyance in her voice. I can only imagine how her mood will worsen once she has Alessandro there with her.

I sigh before responding. "I'll be there in like a minute to explain everything, just hold on."

"Fine." She sighs and hangs up on me. Goddamn everyone is in a fucking mood today. Even me! But according to Alessandro that's normal although he is the last person anyone should be trusting when it comes to detecting anything normal.

When we arrive, Allegra is waiting for me at the entrance. She doesn't say a word, simply leads us to the elevator, I'm assuming to take us to her official office which honestly she doesn't use much. But instead she takes us to the 4th floor.

"Don't bother explaining anything I talked to Alvaro already." She says when we exit the elevator. "I have everyone available in this building working on it. As soon as we get back to my computer I'll be able to tell you how much longer it will take."

"This is top priority right now, Allegra. I expect this to take less than a day." I demand and she nods, taking the file from my hands as we enter a room, every wall covered with monitors and people working at desks. The only things that can be heard are the keyboards clacking and our footsteps.

Good Cop Gone Bad ~ RewrittenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz