Prologue: "New Years Eve Kiss"

Start from the beginning

"How are we even gonna get there anyway? I don't drive, you don't drive..."

She pointed.

"Don't worry, Meech is coming to pick us up-"

"Meech?! You mean the boy that tried to force himself on you the other day? Asian you can't be serious..."

Kaliyah gasped.

"Oh bitch please, that was nothing. He just has a little crush on me that's all. Plus he's our only ride to and from this damn party, so we just gon have to suck it up."

Kaliyah sucked her teeth, already not feeling like going out anymore. She couldn't understand why her cousin always loved to put herself into such crazy situations.

"Well I'm bringing my pepper spray with me just in case."

She mumbled, hopping off the bed.

"Ok well hurry up. I'm about to leave my house and meet you halfway outside."

Asian stated quickly before hanging up.

Kaliyah made her way over to the dresser, opening up the top drawer before pulling out her small mini pink pepper spray. Her dad had given this to her randomly a few months ago, wanting her to only use it just in case she ever felt like she was in danger.

She easily slipped the pepper spray into her pocket before grabbing her house keys off the table. She glanced in the mirror one last time, running her fingers through her locs that sat a little bit past her shoulders. She had her edges laid perfectly, with her locs in a simple half up half down hairstyle. Kali had always worn locs ever since she was 7 years old. Her goal was to grow out her locs all the way down to her butt.

One of these days I'll get there.

She thought quietly to herself. She just turned on her heel, exiting her room now before strolling down the hallway.

"I'm heading out Dad!"

She yelled, her voice echoing through the small house. It was 7pm, which meant her father was definitely home from work.

"Uhh okay. Where are you going Kals?"

Lorenzo hollered back. She assumed he had to be in his room since that's the direction the sound of his voice was coming from.

"I'm going to Asian's house. We're gonna watch the ball drop together for new years."

She lied, slightly feeling her stomach turning. Kaliyah just made her way into the kitchen area, opening up the fridge and doing a quick scan before grabbing a few grapes that were placed in a plastic bowl. She stood there silently, popping grapes one at a time into her mouth just as Lorenzo walked in.

"So it's just you and Asian watching the ball drop, with no boys involved right?"

He pointed, lightly teasing her. Kaliyah just made a face.

"Ew Dad. Please don't ever say that."

She groaned. He just chuckled, waving her off.

"I'm just playing Kals; but make sure you come right back home immediately after that's done. Like.. no later then 12:30."

He pointed.

"12:30? That's like 30 minutes after the ball drops though..."

She protested.

"Mmhm exactly. I have work early in the morning and I wanna just make sure you are home safe and sound before I leave."

Kaliyah just popped a few more grapes into her mouth before closing the refrigerator door shut.

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