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12:45 am….

It was past midnight when the two groups met at the designated spot. The Astral Express Trio pulled into the abandoned port dock when they saw three unfamiliar Mclaren Sennas. Each one had their drivers named stamped on the doors. The gray one with purple LED lights & a pixel design had the name SilverWolf, the red wine with rose imprints on it & the musical staff had the name Kafka, and the last one, the deep navy blue with red traces and a shattered glass effect but the name was scratched out.


Dan Heng, Caelus, and March looked dumbfounded by the Stellaron Hunters. “How do they have their own customized cars!? One of them got scratched!? Wouldn’t that cost a fortune?!” March yelled into the mic as Y/n covered her ears from how deafening it was. “I don’t think anyone would even dare to get close to them.” Caelus spoke, as Dan Heng nodded. “ They do work under Elio for a reason, March.” “Yeah, but why call us?” March asked. “ I have no clue, but maybe cause you three finally got noticed. After all, you guys won the last 13 races and escaped the cops each time!” Y/n said, enthusiastically recalling the many races the three won. “ I don’t think escaping law enforcement is a good thing..” Dan Heng sighed. “So you’d rather be behind bars right now Danny Boi.” Caelus asked. “I- No..” “Then consider us escaping that crazy captain of police Gepard or whatever his name is a good thing.” March commented before her connection went out. “ March? Are you there?” Caelus asks as he hears March’s audio go out. “ Y/n, somethings wrong with March. She isn’t responding.” Dan Heng said, as he even tried to get March’s connection. “Yeah no sh!t Sherlock, I’m already working on it..” Y/n said, as she pushed her chair back towards her desk and opened her laptop.  Before Y/n could even enter her password, her laptop was then met with a ‘friendly’ greeting by SilverWolf.




Y/n stared at her screen, appalled by what she just read. That was until she heard one of the drivers on their connections.
“Welcome Astral Express Trio~ & Y/n L/n,” A smooth feminine voice spoke, “ Kafka here, and I must applaud you for your recent wins, very impressive I might add. But.. I’m afraid one of your comrades accidentally ruined Bladie’s car when you ran into him.”
“Bladie? Who the hell is that?” Caelus asked, before the navy blue & red Mclaren Senna flashed its lights. “That’s Bladie.” Kafka then said. “He was in one of your most recent races and well you played dirty causing the current damage to his car..”

“What makes you think we did it?” Y/n asks. “ Yeah, I don’t remember budding into anyone last race.” Caelus responded. “Me neither.”March added. At this very moment Dan Heng was quiet, more than usual. “Y-Yeah, I don’t think we ran into anyone in the last race.” He responded as Kafka hummed in response. “I’ll believe you, only on one condition though..”
“ What’s the condition?” The four asked in unison. “ A race. If you win, we let you go & be on your way.”

“And if we don’t?”
“Well not only would you have to admit to damaging Bladie’s car but whoever did it must repair it.” Kafka explained. “You don’t have to make a decision now, but I do recommend you take this offer. After all, it would be a shame for the Astral Express Trio to disappear from the competition,  wouldn’t you agree?”

There was an awkward silence as the four of them knew what she was implying. The Stellaron Hunters were indeed known for their incredible speed & skill behind the wheel but were also known for their ways of exterminating their opponents.

“You have until tomorrow Astral Express, make your choice. And make it one you won’t regret..”

And with that they left. Leaving the four to their thoughts…
Are they to accept this deal or face the consequences?

Stay Tuned to Find Out~

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