Chapter 14

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An hour later, Chip and I were sneaking around campus praying not to be seen by the security guards. The grounds that are normally lit up, even at night, have all the lights turned off after curfew. The only light is from the occasional headlight of the go-kart the security officers ride around campus. 

And our phone flashlights. 

Chip has been unusually quiet as we make our way through the campus. I'm not sure where we are, but I know that we passed the art building just a few minutes ago.  We turned onto a trail, but it isn't paved. My feet have constantly been crunching gravel as we have tried to move as quietly as possible. Not that my giant steps are anything but extremely loud.

"How are you able to walk so quietly?" I whisper to him. 

He chuckles to himself as he takes another silent step and turns his head back to me. "My dad used to take my brothers and me hunting every year. You have to be quiet to sneak up on a deer. It's all about shifting your weight to your toes so you aren't slamming down on the middle of your feet." 

I try and copy his advice, but even my tip-toe steps sound like a building caving in. 

"Where are we going, Chip?" 

"We are going to the teacher's complex," Chip answers. "It's not something that gets advertised, but there is a group of houses that the faculty stay in. Mr. Goldstone stays in them now that his divorce is finalized." 

The way he said Mr. Goldstone's name sounded like he had a bad taste in his mouth. He's been very guarded with what he's said since I told him about the affair with Victoria. I wonder if Chip liked him as his teacher before all of this. Did he feel betrayed? Did he feel angry? 

I wish I knew what to say to him. I can't imagine what it's like for Chip to have read the diary of his ex that passed away. Did it hurt him to know that she felt strongly for him but nothing came of it? Did I rip open a wound that he thought he covered? 

This would have been easier if Chip wasn't the one that Victoria secretly dated. That sounds selfish of me, but seriously? What were the odds of that happening? If Chip and Victoria were never a couple I wouldn't have to worry about the ghost of a girl from his past interfering with now, but at the same time, it's nice to have someone with me that knows everything. There really are no more secrets between us. He knows everything. 

And in this deadly game of cat and mouse, there are now two mice.

I grab onto his arm and he stops walking. His face turns toward mine, and I flash my phone onto his face. His eyes look sad, but his face as a whole looks neutral. He gives me a half smile that I know is fake and I wrap him in a tight hug before he has time to protest. He stands still for a moment before he wraps his arms around my waist. 

"I'm sorry I've opened up all this garbage. This isn't what you signed up for this year." 

"It's not your fault," he whispers back. 

He doesn't let go of the hug and my heart struggles to not beat quicker as his strong arms squeeze me. I hesitate for a minute before I lean my head into his neck and bury my face in his chest. His cedar cologne blinds my senses for a minute before he lets go and kisses my forehead. 

"We should keep moving and get set up," he whispers. 

I ache to go back to the hug, but I know that he's right. We continue to make our way down the dark trail before we see a row of seven houses with the lights on. The houses are small one-story buildings that are only a few feet away from each other. The houses don't have a driveway, but rather a parking lot where each of the teachers park their cars. Each has a little flower bed that lines under the large front window that looks to lead into the living room of each building. 

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