Frank and Gerard

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I awoke Saturday morning with makeup smeared all over my pillow. As I remembered what had happened the night before, I did my best to fall back asleep. I tossed and turned, but it was no use.

Finally, I got up and went to the bathroom. Gazing in the mirror, I looked ridiculous. Mascara had stained my cheeks from crying all night. Just as I was about to wash my face, I got a call. I grabbed my phone and hit answer.

"Hey Gerard, what's up?"

"Hi! We're gonna go to the record store and was wondering if you wanted to come with?"

"I dunno... after last night I-"

"Mikey isn't coming... it's just gonna be me and Frank."

"Oh... uhm... yeah, I guess I can come."

"Cool! We'll be there in a bit."

"Alright, bye Gerard."

"Bye!" I hung up and began washing my face.

"Jesus fucking Christ..." I whispered. The mascara on my cheeks was being incredibly difficult.


"Yeah mom!?" She popped her head into the bathroom.

"Hi, good morning! How was the dance?"

"Awful... Mikey never showed..."


"Best friend my ass..." I whispered, desperately trying to get the mascara off.

"I'm so sorry." I sighed.

"It's fine I guess. I met someone else, anyways."


"Billie... but it was like he was a totally different person..."


"Yeah he was so... nice..." I smiled to myself.

"Weird, well I'd be careful around that boy. You know what he did to Mikey."

"Yes, I know mom."

"Oh, c'mere..." She grabbed my face and tried wiping the mascara off herself, but it was no use.

"Mom it's not coming off. It's fine."

"You're gonna have to shower then."

"No, I don't have time. Imma go hang out with Gerard and Frank." I left the bathroom and went into my bedroom.

"Oh okay, well have fun."

"Thanks, I will." She went into her bedroom while I got dressed. Just as I had finished getting ready, I heard Frank's truck in the driveway.

"Bye mom!" I cried.

"Bye!" I ran outside and climbed into the backseat of Frank's truck. There I was greeted by Frank and Gerard.

"Hi guys." I spoke.

"Y/n, I'm sorry about the dance and everything," Gerard began, "I dunno what Mikey was thinking..."

"He's such an ass! I spent most of the night sobbing. Why didn't he show up?"

"I don't really wanna get in the middle of this, but I can assure you it's a stupid fucking reason. You have every right to be pissed."

"Yeah man, dudes a dumb ass." Frank explained.

"Yeah... how was the dance for you guys?"

"Oh Frank you gotta tell her!"

"It was crazy! Y'know that girl I asked?"


"We made out in my truck..."

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