Carnegie Mellon: Part Two

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Diane's bakery was my favorite bakery. Everything there was a bit over priced, but its so good! Nothing is too sweet or too bland, it's just perfect, and it taste best when you drink it with Passion Tea.

 The window was facing the parking lot and I could see Bryce sitting with his coffee waiting for me. I was 20 minutes late, and half of the time, I was waiting in the car just staring at him.

I decided that he waited long enough for me and I got ready to leave the car. I reached for my bag and dug my hand into it, looking for my lipstick.

As I was digging around, I thought about something. Why do I need my lipstick? The answer was, to look good for him. I found my bright red lipstick and when I found it, I just stared at it. I was contemplating whether or not to put the lipstick on, or to drop it back into my bag and walk in. 

 As I walked into the bakery, I was so disappointed on how weak I was.

He heard the bell ring when I open the door. I lifted my sunglasses and had them resting on my  head. I looked around as if I didn't know where he was sitting. 

He waved his hand. My teeth bit my red lips; I was nervous. 

"Hey," he looked at me with a smile. 

"Hi," and I didn't smile.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" He asked. Bryce looked the way his personality reflected him as. 

Tall, handsome, muscular, but not too muscular, straight white teeth, and short hair. He was in shorts in the beginning of December. He had a white dress shirt underneath his navy Ralph Lauren sweater. 

And today, his eyes weren't green, they were hazel. 

"No thanks. I don't think I can stay long anyways, I have to go home and pack."

"Where are you going?" His accent distracted me. I didn't find it attractive... at the moment.

"I'm headed back to school tomorrow morning," I said. I didn't know if it was only me or not, but I found this to be very awkward.

"I just wanted to say thank you for the other day."

"What about it?"

"The thing with Brittany. If she found out you were Madeline, she would have probably killed you," he chuckled.

"Why would she kill me?"

"Because you're gorgeous. I expected you to have short dirty blond hair and brown eyes. But clearly you don't."

I touched my hair. It wasn't short, it was long. And it wasn't blond, it was brown. 

"Oh," I didn't know how to respond to that. "Well telling her, she got the wrong person wasn't so hard," I gave him a fake smile.

He stared at me, "You know, you didn't have to come if you didn't want to come. I don't want to force you to do anything."

"Well how was I suppose to tell you that I didn't want to come? You sent a little 8 year boy a napkin with an address, date, and time," I was a little annoyed that he was trying to read my facial expression. 

"You could have wrote a letter back" he shrugged.

"Well your hideous girlfriend told me not to write you letters anymore."

He was stunned, "Wow."


"I never saw you as that type of girl," he shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

"You're a complete bitch!" He had a smirk on his face.

"Well I didn't know you that that type of guy," I retaliated.

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