Carnegie Mellon

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A/N: I have been dead for the past couple of days finishing exams for college and stuff. I had my phone locked away. And I made sure my internet didn't work so I wouldn't get distracted it.

And ohmygod! So many comments and votes and library adding stuff! Um... Thank everyone for reading this and I just had to finish this today cause I know I said I was going to upload on Sunday or Monday.. And its Thursday. :/ Sorry!

Nothing was going well for me. My roommate was a pig, my schedule was a mess, and worst of all, my best friend wasn't even close to me! We had one class together, but besides that, all her classes were in the morning while mine took up most of my nights. 

I got a lot done during the day though.

For example... my letter to Bryce. I didn't say much. It wasn't long as usual, it wasn't funny as it would normally be, and for the first time, it wasn't coming from the heart. It was coming from my mind and what I believed was politically correct. And what was politically correct, was what he wasn't doing (do that make sense? Do you get the gist of what I am saying?)

I hope you regret this cause what you are doing is stupid.

It's not right for you to marry someone you don't love. And I could care less that she is reading this. I hope she reads this.

You're so stupid, dumb, idiotic, and just stupid.

I never knew you were that kind of person. I can't described that "that" person really is because it's undescribable! It an idea that comes from the heart. And I'm not using my heart. I'm not going to convince you to stop because I hope you suffer.

Although Brittany was a bitch to me, I'm glad she wrote me a letter telling me that you were engaged. At least she's honest and has balls, something you clearly don't have!

I don't get why you didn't tell me. I don't want to know why didn't tell me. I don't care why you didn't tell me.

You are a bad person for hurting Brittany like this. Well, you will be hurting her when she finds out the truth.

Maybe she won't be upset cause like you said, she's all in it for the money.

I never got a letter back. I got over it pretty quickly.

I mean, things happen for a reason, right? There's a reason why when I was five I tripped and stabbed myself with a knife and it thankfully didn't cut into my major vein. There is a reason why I was hit with car when I was biking and lived. And there is a reason why Bryce came in and out of my life.

I guess it was like a lesson, in a way. I think it taught me that I am a person who will forget easily and just shrug things off if I don't want to deal with it. And I know there are other fish in the sea. For example, the guy next door, Alec? I think that's his name. He's tall, blond hair, blue eyes, rosy cheeks, and a great smile.

If I had children with Alec, our children will look smokin' hot! Our little boys would have either brown hair with blue eyes or blond hair with possibly green eyes since my parents have green eyes. And if we had girls, they would have long wavy hair like mine, brown or blonde either is fine. And they would be pale with pretty pink cheeks. And their smiles will make everyone go blind cause it's so shiny!

But with Bryce, I don't even know how our children will look because I never saw him. And if  he is ugly, it wouldn't work out. I know looks aren't everything, but this is what helps me "shrug" of the pain.

I went home in November for Thanksgiving. There was always this Thanksgiving carnival I went to that was run by the country club my parents were part of.

Blair and I always made snacks like cookies, pies, cakes, and such. We were at stand selling food. There was this little name tag pinned to our shirts.

A tall, tan guy strolled up to us.

"Can I get two slices of pumpkin pie and two milks please?" He had an accent. An English accent to be specific.

I flipped my hair and I looked up to see him. He had beautiful green eyes. When I looked at his eyes, he didn't look back into mine. Instead he was looking at my breasts.

"Excuse me?" I took my cardigan and covered myself.

"Oh sorry, it just that I knew a Madeline who lived in New York. I was just thinking about her, that's all," I don't know what happened, but I felt a surge of light hit me.

"Oh that's cool, what's your name?" I asked him.

"It would be quite funny if you know a guy named Bryce," he chuckled.

Blair ran off to get more milk and I was standing there alone with him. I felt like there was no one else around us. And everything was just... I don't know what the word is. But it's not perfect; there was something about it that didn't make it perfect. Oh yeah, I know what.

"Bryce! What is taking so long?!" An average blond girl came and linked arm with Bryce and then folded her hands together. That was when I came back into reality and saw a large rock on her left ring finger.

"You don't happen to be part of the Marines, right?" I asked him before I gave him the pumpkin pie.

"How'd you know that?!" He asked.

"Wait, is this girl, Madeline?" Brittany asked. She looked up at Bryce and he looked back at her in shock.

A/N: I just finished this and I don't know if there are grammar mistakes cause I read over it once and it seemed fine, but usually I have to read it like more than once to find some more than the first time. So don't kill me if there are! I will re-read it tomorrow and fix it, but I reallly want this to be up my like 12:30!

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