Friend or Foe?

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I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating against my nightstand. It only last about a second and I knew it was a text message. I grabbed my phone and peeked one eye open.

Blair: I was just wondering when you were free

 When I saw her name, both of my eyes felt like they were going to pop out of their socket. I sat up just staring at my phone.

I tried to think of a way to answer back. But I didn’t know how. Usually I would tell her a certain time and end it with a smiley face. But even through the text, I could tell she was giving me the cold shoulder- as if she didn’t care what I was doing and she just wanted to talk business.

 What business is there to talk about? Maybe she wants to be friends again?

Me: btw 3 and 5.

She didn’t respond for about 20 minutes. I waited impatiently on my bed.

 Blair: Diane’s.

 I knew she meant that I had to meet her there. I was sort of excited. I was hoping to tell her everything that has happened to me and tell her I missed her. I missed her a lot. The only person I told about my cute romantic nights was my mom and a good friend from school. And trust me, it isn’t the same.

I looked at the clock and it was 9:13 AM. I had a feeling it was going to be a long day. I knew waiting to see Blair would feel like forever.

But I made it through. I got ready two hours before actually seeing her. I straightened my hair and put some make up on. For some reason, I felt like I needed to impress her. I wanted her to like how I did my hair, I wanted her to like my make up, and like my outfit because maybe then she’ll compliment me and realized we can put things aside and be friends again.

 I got to Diane’s about 5 minutes early. I ordered a coffee and sat down. I was impatiently tapping my fingers against the wooden round table. Each time I heard the bell ring on the door, I looked up and hoped it wasn’t Blair. I was nervous and scared of the outcome. As much as I wanted her back as my best friend, I was afraid it wasn’t going to happen.

 But to my dismay, she showed up. I saw her and she was wearing the exact same shoes as I was. It made me smile because we got those shoes on the same day for our senior trip.

 She saw me and walked over. She didn’t smile at all.

 “Hey,” I started the conversation first.

 “Hey,” She pressed her lips together and the corners of her lips curved up, giving me a fake smile.

 “So, what’s up?” I asked her.

 “I just wanted to give some of your stuff back,” Some of my stuff? I was sort of mad that she had the audacity just to blur that out. I don’t know why I was mad. But I was definitely hurt.

 “Okay,” I gave her a little attitude.

 “Yeah, so I’m just going to grab some coffee for Nate and me. And your stuff is in the back of my car. I’ll be out in a second.”

She stood up and walked to the counter ordering two coffees and some other food.

 I sat there in disbelief. My eyes teared up. I wasn’t prepared for this. I got my hopes up and now it feels like I just feel 100 stores.

 I some how gathered the strength and went out. Nate was leaning against the car and saw me.

 “Hey,” He said. “You alright?” He was always caring.

 “No, but I will be,” I replied. “Can I have my stuff please?”

 “You know, I tried to talk to her about forgiving you. I think she’s over reacting,” He moved towards the trunk of the car.

“I don’t know how this happened,” The more I thought about it, the more I talked about it, the more tears dripped down my face. 

I got the chills up my spine when I felt the cold air and tear against my face.

“If it makes you feel better, she misses you,” He said grabbing my pink duffle bag that I let Blair borrow when she went to Vermont.

“Did she tell you that?” Once again, I was beginning to get my hopes up

“No, but I can tell. You haven’t been replaced yet,” He said bring the duffle bag to my car.

“That’s… good to hear, I guess,” I shrugged as I whipped a tear away. “I’m going to go now.” I reached into my bag to get the keys. I unlocked the car door and sat down in the driver’s seat. I felt the cold air rush in when Nate opened the door to put my bag in.

“I guess I’ll see you around then,” He said and closed the door.

I had my hands on the wheel ready to go. I took and deep breath in and out.

“It was horrible!” I had my head to my knees whining.

“It doesn’t sound that bad, Babe,” Bryce said as he packed for our trip. We’ve planned this for months now and it was going to come true.

We were going skiing. We had a little cabin booked and it was all to ourselves for one entire week.

“You had to be there. It was like she wasn’t even a person anymore. She had no emotion. I mean she smiled,” I was cut off mid- sentence.

“You see, she smiled! Maybe she’s thinking about talking this out,” Bryce said.

“No! You didn’t let me finish! Her smile was fake!” I stood up from the floor.

“And how do you know?” He asked as he zipped the suitcase. He grabbed my jacket and helped me get it on.

“Bryce!!!” I whined again, “She’s…I mean she was my best friend. I know when she’s faking it or not.”

“I’m sorry. I’m trying to understand. Let’s just go and forget about this. Get this off of your mind and just relax,” He said before he kissed my cheek.


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